(no subject)

May 03, 2005 16:49

"You cannot be inactive for any short amount of time." -Nater

how very true...with frolics done, i have so much free time and i am at complete loss as to what to do with myself.

im am trying my hardest to not think about graduation.

i am a fucking moron. i am going to NY, and a concert friday...and i need to keep every fricken penny i have...

straylight run with the one and only Elena Perez!!! and it just so happens that my two favorite girls, KB and LB are going too! not to mention so hott Bill Tollad (hehe yit yeah LB)

Cor comes home for the summer tomorrow! ah i cannot wait.

Matty is coming to NY with us thursday! That fricken rocks, i am ganna have such a good time with him. normally i would be worried i wouldnt be able to have as much fun with someone else whose not in telecomm, but i know matty and he'll definately make the entire trip that much better. ah i missed him and its sooooo nice to have him home.

i needs to go on a trip somewhere.

I sometimes wonder if i am just naive and Mr M is right...i dont want to sound like some stupid kid and be like no im different, this is different...but maybe its not...either way i need to stop thinking about it.

"Sing me something soft, sad and delicate"
wish marty could go, and sarah, that woulda rocked...

i want to lay out on the hammock under the stars.

its all ganna end soon...not sure im ready even though its all i want right now...

i wrote my senoir will, so many things i want to leave people.

i miss the frolics crew.

i miss the OLD crew. ash showed me a pick of us last thanksgiving...the thanksgiving we inducted peaches...and we were all so happy. what the fuck happened. i want to put so much shit in tehh past because soon it wont matter, but i just dont know...i dont even know what happened...

so many people have come up to me lately and told me im ganna be famous...its so weird...my whole life i told myself taht and only a few people believed it...i guess its just weird to have encouragement...i just wanna make i just wanna be happy...i know that would make me happy...

eternal sunshine...amazing movie...absolutely amazing...i love it for some many reasons...

why do i get bored so easily?

theres an insatiable feeling inside me. the kind where i want to scream off a mountain just to hear myself scream, adn just because. i want it to be windy.

"have i ever told u i hate auhtority? i think i just hate being told what i can and cant do, and i just want to prove them wrong."

hold my hand

the further i get into thinking the more incoherent my thoughts are becoming, and teh more i want to write.

i feel like crying. not because im sad, but just because.

good bye is so close.

i dont like it when your like that. i cant change. and i dont want to.

"is there anyone you dont know??"
"Elena says that about me all the time haha...oh wait you dont know her..."
"see you do know everyone..."

bottle this up and throw it away.

dont try and save them all, sometimes you just cant.

but is it worse to not try?

I need so much more than this.

maybe ill do homework.

"apathy...its a virtue you'll learn soon enough...hopefully before the stress kills you."

i cant wait for the cape.

i get to chill with matty for the next three days.

i hate money.

im waiting for that call you promised.

ill be 18 at the end of the month...im most excited to be able to go to tons of 18+ concerts with matty.

i sometimes wonder if the things i was taught are wrong, but then i meet someone like you who makes me think maybe they're more right then anything. i have the hardest time finding out for myself.

my head hurts. ive gotten more sleep then i havein forever, but im still so tired.
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