Jul 28, 2005 13:24
So I'm skipping class. I went this morning and it was lame. It's technically the second to last day but really it's the last day because tomorrow we're having a breakfast. So yeah.... blah. I'm getting a bit of nostalgia but at the same time I really want to go home. I'm excited and I'm sad that this trip I have looked forward to for so long is almost over.
There's been a fad of people cutting their hair here. Honestly, I'd do the same except that I'm afraid I'll hate it, I want to be super sure before I cut it, and it's way expensive here and I'm broke. On top of that everybody here got their hair chopped off and I think it looks pretty gross. I thought Europeans in general have shorter hair and it's kinda bizarre. ANYWAYS....
I've been way behind on LJ and on my email because I'm sick of standing in line forever just for a computer. I'm no longer addicted to the internet, which is good.
I'm pretty sure this will be my last update from France because tomorrow I have a pretty busy day and then I leave Saturday at 7 am for Paris. I love Paris. I really wish I could have hung out there longer. By 5 pm on Saturday I will be back in the good ole USA where everything is bigger and cheaper and not nearly as beautiful.
So.... with that being said, I think I'm going to go shopping for a bit. I still need gifts for people!