May 04, 2006 13:31
I've been doing a lot of reflecting and analyzing the past few days, as the semester comes to an end. I started thinking about everything I've learned in my life, and how much I've grown since I've been in college.
Not only things I've learned about myself, but things I've learned about life as well. I'm gonna share everything that I've learned. In no particular order, at all! haha.
♥I've learned that when people tell you that they'll be there for you, that doesn't always mean it, this is in no way an attack on any of my friends, but I've heard from people (...mainly guys...) that they'll be there for me, and when I needed them, when I needed to talk to them, they wouldn't return phone calls or anything.
·So you can't count on anyone to be there for you but yourself in the end♥
♥I've learned that not ever day is sunny, but if you look hard enough, and embrace the rainy days, you will find beauty in them as well♥
♥I've learned that everyone falls in love, and everyone gets hurt, and you feel like no one has ever hurt as badly as you're hurting, but the truth is, we've all felt that way♥
♥I've learned it's normal to feel blue some days, and that it doesn't make you weird, or a misfit, we all have days like that, and we all feel that way♥
♥I've learned that you can love more than once, and it is possible to love in more ways than one.
·The love I had for Mark will never die, but it's different than the love I shared for Troy, which is different than the love I had for Matt, which was different than the love I had for Dave.
·Each is different in their own respective way, and not to say that any one was any better than another, but each was love, and while some may say that after a relationship ends, you doubt that you were in love with the person.
·No, I know I was in love with each of these guys.
·A part of my heart will always belong to each of them respectively♥
♥I've learned that it is possible to move on when someone dies.
·It took me a long time to be able to move on after Mark died, and I still think about it, I still wonder what he would be like now if he had lived.
·There are days I find myself staring at pictures of us, and wondering what how things could have ended up, if we would have kept our friendship together in high school and into college.
·But I realized that it's ok to not think about that person every day, and if you occasionally forget about them because you're busy doing other things, that’s ok.
·It doesn't mean you can't remember them, it just means that you're accepting the death and moving on.
·And this process can sometimes take a long time.
·For me, it's been over 5 years, but maybe I'm a slow learner♥
♥I've learned that it's ok to cry.
·Some days you need to, some days you need to cry so hard you have snot dripping down your face, dry sob, can't see anything because your eyes are so teary-kinda cry.
·And those cries are usually the best.
·Those are the cries when you just let it all out.
·The days that for some reason the world is on your back.
·The days, as anyone who saw Dane Cook live would say, "I did my best, I did my best"♥
♥I've learned that it's ok to admit that you have no clue what you're doing.
·You're not the only one♥
♥I've learned that it's perfectly fine to call your mom crying when your heart gets broken.
·And you can even call your dad, your parents love you unconditionally, and they always will.
·You will always be their 'little girl' or 'little boy'♥
♥I've learned that siblings, no matter how much older or younger, are pretty cool to have.
·There's 6 years between my brother and I, and we don't talk every day, but I know I could always count on him to help me if I needed it, and I think he knows I'll always be there for him♥
♥I've learned that avoiding mirrors is awesome, but in contrast to that, I've learned that it's ok to look in the mirror and say "I look pretty good today."
·And for me, that's a big deal.
·For me to look in the mirror, and be comfortable with the person looking back at me, is something that's taken me a long time.
·And don’t get me wrong, I'm not always happy with the person looking back, but for the most part, I can now say that I no longer 'hate' the person looking back at me♥
♥I've learned that no matter what people say about "what's on the inside matters" people look at you on the outside♥
♥I've learned that if you can be completely comfortable in your skin, and completely happy with who you are, then you've achieved one of the greatest tasks you'll ever be presented with in your life.
·And you're much farther along than I am♥
♥I've learned that while many of us say "I live for today" we all look to the future, and it scares the shit out of us.
·All of us♥
♥I've learned that it's ok to be confused.
·Most of us are, most of the time♥
♥I've learned that no matter where this life takes me, I can always go back home♥
♥I've learned it's normal to sometimes feel like an outcast with your friends.
·We all feel that way at some point♥
♥I've learned that it's perfectly fine if you wake up one day and feel like you can't do it, and that you can't go on.
·This is when you can call on your friends to help you up, that’s what they're there for.
·And that’s what they want, to help you♥
♥I've learned that the hardest thing to do in life, is to ask someone else for help♥
♥I've learned that in the darkest nights, you friends turn out to be the stars that will lead you back home to open arms♥
♥I've learned that it's ok to ask people for hugs if you're having a bad day.
·And it's ok to give hugs to anyone, girl or boy, if they look like they need it♥
♥I've learned that some of the people you meet in college will always be your friends.
·And some come along; you hang out, get to know each other, perhaps even date, and then stop talking to you all together, despite your nicest efforts to be friendly with them.
·And that kind of rejection hurts really badly.
·It’s the kind that you have no clue what you did♥
♥I've learned that it's ok to demand answers from someone.
·Even if they don't answer you, you having the courage to ask the question shows them that you have balls.
·And that alone takes a lot, to stand up for something you believe in♥
♥I've learned that when you smile, everything seems brighter.
·And when you look upon the world with blinders, you'll never see the things that matter.
·And if you smile a lot, when you get older, all your wrinkles will be in the right places♥
♥I learned its ok to dance, and sing, and act crazy.
·The best feeling in the world is laughing, and making others laugh♥
♥I've learned that more than anything, I want to be accepted by my friends for who I am, with my baggage, and my insecurities, and I want to be loved unconditionally.
And I want my friends to know that I will do the same thing for them♥
♥I've learned that the best things in life come from what you have to work for.
·I'm glad that no one gave me a new car when I turned 16, that I got a job the week after I turned 16, and that I started saving up so I could buy a car, knowing that the car I got would not be a new one, and it would not be the 'hottest' car on the road, but it was mine.
·And it was what I had worked for♥
♥I've learned that procrastination gets you no where, but its something we all do♥
♥I learned the real value of honesty, because I was cheated and lied to♥
♥I've learned that if you pursue happiness, it will elude you, but if you focus on your family, the needs of others, your work, meeting new people, being with your friends and doing the very best you can, happiness will find you♥
♥I've learned that you can't go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands.
·You need to be able to throw something back and to let others know that you're there♥
♥I've learned that if you wait long enough to make a decision, it no longer becomes yours to make.
·And you won't always like the alternative♥
♥I've learned that whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed to all♥
♥I've learned most of all, that life is what you make of it.
·And if you live each day going with the grain and doing what others tell you--you'll wind up being who they want you to be.
·Not who you want to be♥
♥I learned who my real friends are.
·And they know that I will always be here for them, no matter how far away they are, or how close they are, no matter what how early it is, or how late it is.
·They know I will always be here for them.
·Unconditional love♥
♥I learned that at the end of the semester I'm gonna miss everyone♥
♥I spend the whole semester waiting for it to be over, and now that it's finally here, I don't want to miss my friends here♥
♥I've learned the only way to truly appreciate life is through disappointment, heartache, hard work, tough times, laughter and happiness♥
♥ always