Aww and I was just getting started

Jul 27, 2006 00:04

AliaeLatent: hey
xLlamaMyLlamax: howdy
AliaeLatent: what's up?
xLlamaMyLlamax: not too much, working on some things
xLlamaMyLlamax: you?

AliaeLatent: nothing special, what you working on
xLlamaMyLlamax: just typing up a few things
xLlamaMyLlamax: and packing
AliaeLatent: where you headed?
xLlamaMyLlamax: Santa Fe
xLlamaMyLlamax: moving there
AliaeLatent: oh right, college
xLlamaMyLlamax: no
xLlamaMyLlamax: like moving there
AliaeLatent: well, that's interesting, when you leaving?
xLlamaMyLlamax: saturday
AliaeLatent: wow, that's soon
xLlamaMyLlamax: yeah
AliaeLatent: any big plans before you go?
xLlamaMyLlamax: nope
AliaeLatent: perhaps you'd like to see commander cool before you go(that's me by the way)
xLlamaMyLlamax: nah
AliaeLatent: lame
xLlamaMyLlamax: no you are
xLlamaMyLlamax: ;-)
AliaeLatent: you amaze me sometimes
xLlamaMyLlamax: why?
AliaeLatent: because you can be so mean to people, fortunetly I'm not offended
xLlamaMyLlamax: It's a cruel cruel world, darling
xLlamaMyLlamax: and I don't really give a fuck if you're offended or not
xLlamaMyLlamax: what didn't offend you?>
AliaeLatent: that fact that you're always a bitch to me, whether it be through livejournal, aim, or even in person when the only thing that I ever did that was so awful was make out with your sister and not tell you about it, which in truth it really had nothing to do with you, so there really wasn't amny reason for you to be so offended
xLlamaMyLlamax: you are so off you have no idea
xLlamaMyLlamax: but if that's how you feel, fine
xLlamaMyLlamax: I don't know why you still have to bother me all the time if you feel that way
AliaeLatent: i actually don't care how you feel about it. I've just tried to be nice because I like talking to you most of the time
xLlamaMyLlamax: okay
xLlamaMyLlamax: then why start shit now?
AliaeLatent: this isn't starting shit, this is me telling you how i feel. I feel compelled to do that sometimes because expressing the way you feel about things often ends miscommunications
xLlamaMyLlamax: okay
AliaeLatent: you seem to be under the impression(or at least give off the impression) that you feel i'm this huge sleazebag, which i have to tell you, by knowing some very sleazy people, i'm a fairly good person and don't really feel like diserve the sentance you've given me
xLlamaMyLlamax: I do not think that at all, actually
AliaeLatent: then what exactly has caused this this aversion towards me? I don;t recall kicking puppies in front of you
xLlamaMyLlamax: You act like an arrogant asshole, you send off bad vibes, and you always start conflict
xLlamaMyLlamax: and you're part of the past
xLlamaMyLlamax: sorry
AliaeLatent: no need to apologize,you're not actually sorry
xLlamaMyLlamax: no, I'm sorry that that's the way it is
xLlamaMyLlamax: I'm not sorry for how I feel
AliaeLatent: and I always start conflict because you treat me and other people like shit without merit
xLlamaMyLlamax: what other people?
xLlamaMyLlamax: and when have you ever treated me nicely?
xLlamaMyLlamax: and for the record- the "you're lame" thing was totally a joke
AliaeLatent: like your family, from the time I spent with you, you were immensly cruel to all of them when they are some of the best people I have ever met. and you have mistaken my friendship and teasing towards you as meaness which was never the case. and who cares if it was a joke you and I both know it was mean spirited, like almost every other thing you;ve said to em the past six months
AliaeLatent: and it's not cool
xLlamaMyLlamax: My interactions with my family are NONE of your damn business
xLlamaMyLlamax: You know what, I really don't give a fuck
xLlamaMyLlamax: And you and this are really the last things I need right now
xLlamaMyLlamax: I'm moving on with my life
AliaeLatent: business or not, it doesn't chnage the fact that you;ve been an asshole to them and lots of other people
xLlamaMyLlamax: and I'm not going to let you continually drag me back into the past
xLlamaMyLlamax: name more!
xLlamaMyLlamax: I've been a better daughter/sister to them than you'd ever know
AliaeLatent: let me see, robert reeves, the school, children you;ve never even met
xLlamaMyLlamax: you're just looking for faults in me
xLlamaMyLlamax: Robert Reeves is one of my closet friends
xLlamaMyLlamax: so I don't know what you're talking about
xLlamaMyLlamax: The school sucked. End of story.
xLlamaMyLlamax: Children are annoying.
xLlamaMyLlamax: Everyone has their pet peeves
xLlamaMyLlamax: continue, please, this is quite amusing
AliaeLatent: say whatever you have to to justify your behavior, that's what people do
xLlamaMyLlamax: blah la la la la
AliaeLatent: and i'm not here for your amusment, i'm merely mirroring what many people think about you
xLlamaMyLlamax: like who?
xLlamaMyLlamax: and why should I care
AliaeLatent: why should you care? becasue one you;re going to wake realize you're alone in this world, someone who is alienated becasue her lack of kindness and sensitivity and i don't want that for you
xLlamaMyLlamax: You have no idea, do you
AliaeLatent: no, you're the one who is clueless
xLlamaMyLlamax: Bullshit
xLlamaMyLlamax: You have no idea who I am. You never have. And you never will
xLlamaMyLlamax: you are so wrapped up in your hurt little boy bullshit
xLlamaMyLlamax: that you can't see the real situation
xLlamaMyLlamax: or my view on things
AliaeLatent: what? the situation where you're a bitch? it's not exactly a blurry picture
xLlamaMyLlamax: Darling, I've always been a bitch. Just like you've always been pathetic. But there's more to people than what's on the surface
AliaeLatent: no, inside you're a hurt little girl who still writhes over what happened to her, shutting everyone and lashing at everything she once loved, most leave because you frighten or aggravate them away, even those that care about you. What's it like to be pittied by the pathetic?
xLlamaMyLlamax: That is so wrong you have no idea
AliaeLatent signed off at 12:03:11 AM.

Anyone else have something to say to me? Go ahead, I'm waiting
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