Stefan (because, really, what else was this gonna be about?)

Oct 15, 2011 18:06

Sooo...what if Stefan gets switched back on and then chooses to be Klaus' Ripper best friend because he's so totally destroyed everything he ever had anyway, might as well do it thoroughly.  And enjoy it this time.   Would that satisfy the cravings for true blue Ripper!Stefan I see happening in these here parts?  I think that's still something TVD could do, although they move through storylines REALLY BLOODY FAST and probably won't go back over this one, but they have surprised us before.  #hope, it lives here

Of course, more fleshing out is required with things that don't  include SPOILER catching Elena as she falls from some bleachers END SPOILER and do include somehow doing something awful enough that even having no agency and therefore no accountability  redeems you.  But, thinking about it, the only thing that awful may be killing Damon.  Which...yeah.

But this way, I can keep my shippy glee from last episode (BECAUSE I LOVE MY SHIPPY GLEE) and still get Ripper!Stefan--the world wins everywhere.

pairing: stefan/elena, vampire diaries, character: stefan salvatore

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