Oct 05, 2004 07:49
i had a horrible dream last nite. i was living with Karyn, all happy and nice until the mail came. there was a package filled with CDs. amongst those CDs were a MC Mumper greatest hits CD, filled with my 7 classic(???) songs. just when i got excited because i did have 7 classic songs, Karyn told me i had to go to the store. we needed to buy copies so it would be on the music charts. so we went to the store. we went into the music store and started looking around. then, half of the store just collapsed and some huge van smashed through the rubble. we got scared and started running. the van was getting real close so we jumped on. i looked up to see some pirate looking guy pop his head out and aim a gun at Karyn. with the squeeze of the trigger, my love was dead. he pulled me into the van and aimed the gun at me. he laughed and the van came to a cliff. they all jumped out of the van before it fell over the cliff. i managed to escape too. there was snow on the ground. 3 other people, wounded and bloody, stumbled the opposite way of the pirates. we got to a log and all plopped down there. this prompted me to wake up in real life. it was 3:30am and i got all emo.
i guess that's why i shouldn't go to bed early. i fell sleep at 9pm. i was such a tired door yesterday.
oh, i forgot to mention, Karyn and i were caught by the police late nite in the park on Sunday. we were kinda snuggled up, holding each other, talking about how much we loved each other, when a huge light shined on us. the cops were actually nice to us. they just told us the park was closing and to "take our party elsewhere." they were probably nice because they didn't catch us in a moment of passion, much like they probably catch other horny teenagers doing. good thing they didn't come 20 minutes earlier :x