So I've been a big fan of Obama since his DNC speech back in 2004. I remember distinctly watching his speech, wondering who this man was, and when he would be running for President. I saw it then, but I never fathomed that it would happen so soon.
Imagine my joy when late Tuesday it was leaked that Obama would be here in Oregon on Friday. I was over the moon with excitement. My joy increased when I found out that he would be coming to Eugene.
Follow the
for the story!
Friday, I got up, bought some food, got the camera from Matt, and headed down to Mac Court. The rally didn't even start until 9 and doors wouldn't even open until 7, but I knew that if I didn't get there early, I would lose my chance.
I ended up about a half a block down from Mac Court. Not bad, I could even see the awning over the door. This is what the line looked like in front of me shortly after I got there...
And all the people that joined the line not long after I did.
I found myself in line between a UofO student, and a woman from Cottage Grove that I surprisingly did not know. We had a meandering conversation, and Romney from Cottage Grove even offered me a doormat that was in her car to sit on so I wouldn't have to deal with the cold pavement. :D
I even painted a dorky shirt... but sadly it was covered all day as it was cloudy and never got much above 40 degrees...
While we were sitting there waiting, my pharmacy called. I was confirming some information for them, when a line of 15-20 Secret Service agents walked up and stood in a line in front of the 3 of us waiting together. One of them pointed at the UofO student and said in an intimidating voice, "You, are you a student here?" She stands up and stammers out, "Yes". "Good", the agent says, "Where can we go get some food around here?" She points them the direction they needed to go while I completely lost focus on my conversation with the pharmacy. Here's hoping that I actually did tell them to ship my Tobi!
Other highlights of waiting included being offered free food, watching people sell shirts, being interviewed for a youtube webcast (hmmm I should find that.. okay did, looks like the guy is in process of loading videos right now), seeing people gathered around a hookah, a flower girl dancing, and other uniquely Eugene moments.
Shortly after 2, my friend CJ joined me, then we started to collect people :)
CJ and Myeshia (sp?)
Then around 5 our group had grown even bigger. Everyone was adding people that they knew to the line, so like a sheep I joined in...
By six, we started to really have a crowded sidewalk. We were hearing reports that the line was wrapped around the block from both directions of the entrance to Mac Court, around to Hayward Field, then onto the Track... and blocks on the UofO are pretty beefy.
The line was pretty thick!
At 6:30 they started to let people in because they realized that they had a lot of people and would need time to get us in. I ended up getting wanded by security... ya know, those 110 lbs terrorists will get you every time!
We ended up on the lowest level of the stands, with a dead on view of the stage...
They had some student groups sing, but the mike set up was TERRIBLE, and we couldn't hear a thing!
But we had good seats and were chilling in the stands! By this point we had many people with us, mostly all of them I knew, but even then there were new people for me to meet.
Then came the waiting game... We watched as all the decks filled, and even had reports that there was over 3,000 people who couldn't get in that were waiting out on Hayward Field. Obama was kind enough to speak to them briefly in the cold night before coming on inside to use. It's tiny things like that which make me really believe in him.
We listened to Susan Castillo, State Secretary of Education speak (also former news anchor from Eugene), then Congressman Earl Blumenour (with his trademark bow tie). Another wait, then a 4 star general, who caused a bit of a ruccus in the
news. Then it was on with the real show!
Quick video that I took at the beginning
Click to view
Full video from the Register Guard Overall it was an amazing night. After the rally a bunch of us went out to Turtles, then I went home, tired and sore, but amazed at my great day. People keep asking me if I'll go if Hillary comes. I don't think I will. I already know there is no way that I would vote for her. I don't like her for a number of reasons, I don't trust her more and more as her campaign goes on. But I also love the historic moment of the first female major candidate. And I would love to see that, but I also wouldn't want to take away a spot from someone that does like her. She will be coming. There isn't much doubt in that since we are one of the last major primaries... and it's still months from when we vote. I know that if Obama comes back, I want to go!