yeah, this is totally possible. TOTALLY

Jul 14, 2008 10:43

okay, this shall be my intro post of intro! also, stuff i need in my life.

new friends! hi! i'm mickey and i'm pretty much what you would call the 'modern nerd' (into computers, addicted to the internet, lame in real life, awesome indoors; that sort of thing.) except this modern nerd is into music (a lot), bandboys, body modification, gender discussion and reading books on the preceding subjects. i tend to squee about a lot of things that are lame/old, and i'm most likely to pimp whatever plan you have going on because i love you that much.

in RL, i'm queer, a former christian/possible atheist, currently learning guitar, and wishing myself out of here. i live in houston, texas, but have always been a 'new jersey' fangirl, and will totally move there as soon as i get a spine/money/approval notice from the government. i enjoy emails from you dudes! i'm one of those lamies who enjoys her fandom friends more than her RL ones (this is because most of my RL friends don't know i'm queer, and also because you guys are awesome.) i also enjoy IMs! hit me up at daybreakcg if you want to riff on something, or PM me to tell me to get my ass on AIM. :D


an actual 'lyn-Z as gerard' au. i'm so completely serious, dudes--last night, this was ALL i could think about! i just want to take gee's entire timeline and fit lyn-z in there! living in new jersey! stuck inside all day with her little brother mikey so her imagination takes flight and she draws all these creepy, amazing pictures and goes off to junior high where everyone becomes popular and she can't deal! she's suddenly a nerd! so she becomes depressed (oh, this part would kill me) and it lasts until high school where she gets into the wrong side of things and shuffles off to art school to get her degree. then she ends up as a photocopy girl for DC until sept. 11 and then--then she has to SAVE THE WORLD.

this would be an au of epic proportions. and i totally can't write it. can not. will not. I WILL NOT WRITE IT, I SWEAR. but maybe someone could talk to me about her relationship with bert or her finally meeting gerard or when she goes through AA or that business in japan? maybe when my chem takes in bob? or when mikey gets married to alicia! or when she meets eliza! or when she breaks up with her mystery girlfriend! or in the paramour, when writing the black parade! or her feelings for elena? i can go on for days, dudes.

talk to me about gerard!lyn-z! or alternatively, lyn-z!gerard! (he makes his wife sing the carpenters when he's feeling down! works every time! ♥)

motherfucking win, lind-seeeee

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