May 26, 2004 20:13
aww im sick. thats never fun. i've got a big bump on my head from where my mom hit me with a fork. diana is hot.
The penalty for masturbation in Indonesia is decapitation.
writings from the past
has it ended?
has my life ended?
writings from neanderthals
come to save them
my soul is lost
whirlpools of hell
stopping to think
weren't we all once simple,
simple enough for you?
simple enough to die
sinning through life
faking the glittering shine
bandanges cover mistakes
like you hate me
doesnt everyone?
don't you?
what are you?
neanderthal from writings
crushing life
i want you
don't you know
i hate life
but i want you
its simple
like 1+2
math equations
aren't we all primatives...
quit living
stop breathing
donating souls to the poor
soiling on our shoulders
don't stop please
but i want you
your body
passed down
trading sub-species
proof that evolution can revolve
revolve to math equations
simple enough to be primative
quit being a nerd.
don't shit with my mind
you'll be damned
damned to a simple trick
tornadoes rip you up
into shreds
shreds of hate and frustraition
but i want you
enough to kill
kill to sins
hell awaits
the primative
beezlebub has a torment
you. i want you
anamnesis from the past
that was you
the angel with the spear
stabbing me
what a wonderthing to look forward to
you'll be damned
but i saw tou
quantums of letters
2 before mankind.
don't trade your soul
thats for the critics
shut up.
zip your mouth shut
its simple
primatively simple
you need to stop stabbing my lungs
breaking gonads
stabbing me
the angel with the spear!
evolved life into death
was that your body?
who, you, me?
don't point fingers
ink. dip it.
write on the walls
I... Hate... You...
recongnize my face
the one you
stabbed me.
crows picked my eyes out
gouging my soul with a spoon.
the past IS back
oh, but so are you
don't do this
you don't have to
but i still want you
i want you
but i still do
and frustration
i want a new life
quitting. i'll quit
debug and remove you from existion
then im all alone?
hard work
slavery for my soul
did you do think to me?
but i love you
i want you.
but please don't
spears sharp with hate, misery, anamnesis.
i remember you
you are primative.
can it be?
stop being primative
it's not you.
simple enough
but is that you?