blindfold_spn made me ridiculously excited with all the rarepairs prompts (Balthazar/Jo! Jo/Lucifer! Kali/Anna! Dean/Victor! ♥__♥!), but after writing this I concluded I was just not cut out for writing blindfold-style stuff, especially because I was treating it more like
sharp_teeth than anything. .____. Here for archiving purposes.
Supernatural | girl on fire - Mary & Michael )
I can never complain about that again.
This is everything I want from this pairing. You captured both of them perfectly -- Mary being suspicious, testing the waters (the 'too much salt' bit thrills me every time I read it), not hesitating to attack when she knows it's not John. And Michael... you made him warm, you made him charming, you made him pass as John, but then you made him slip every so often, and perfectly showcased his angelic otherworldliness -- there are a few examples, but I keep finding myself being awed by John blinks carefully. It's three words, but it conveys so much.
And I love how Michael seems to truly be attracted to her -- sliding a leg between hers, his "I like it when I'm with you,"... it would almost be romantic, if it weren't so very sketch, which is my favorite flavor for this pairing. Also on the level of very-sketch: the memory wipe. Or memory wipes -- you leave it up in the air, whether this confrontation is a one-time thing, or if this is just another round in an unrelenting cycle. Which on one hand, again, he likes her, he wants to stay with her, it would be sweet, but no, he's constantly mind wiping her, which is an atrocious violation of self, and so fucked up, and everything I love about this pairing.
I was more than thrilled when SPN revealed Mary used to be a hunter--that she was the one who was in the know originally, not John; and there always lies a line between angel and human, because there simply are some things one cannot comprehend of the other. And Michael's only really tried to study the superficial, at any rate.
I like mindfuckery. :D;
Thank you again!
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