commentfic [blindfold_spn]

Jan 25, 2011 23:58

blindfold_spn made me ridiculously excited with all the rarepairs prompts (Balthazar/Jo! Jo/Lucifer! Kali/Anna! Dean/Victor! ♥__♥!), but after writing this I concluded I was just not cut out for writing blindfold-style stuff, especially because I was treating it more like sharp_teeth than anything. .____. Here for archiving purposes.

Supernatural | girl on fire - Mary & Michael )

fic: oneshots & drabbles, fanfic, tv: supernatural, ship: [spn] michael/mary

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Comments 13

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dayadhvam_triad January 30 2011, 03:27:10 UTC
aw, I'm glad you liked it! Thank you. :)


elementalv January 30 2011, 11:25:10 UTC
Oh, ouch. Michael's last line is a kicker. This was excellent -- thank you for reposting.


dayadhvam_triad January 31 2011, 05:54:17 UTC
And thank you for commenting, I'm really happy you liked it. Michael is not all that kind. :P


_bluebells January 30 2011, 11:52:39 UTC
Michael, you cold, creepy bastard. I really enjoyed your depiction of him and Mary, and the breaks in routine, then physicality and attitudes that eventually betrayed him. I don't know if I've already reviewed this, so I just had to drop a line again.


dayadhvam_triad January 31 2011, 06:02:03 UTC
Thank you so much!--I really appreciate it. Michael is such a creeper (your icon, btw, is awesomesauce).


jennytork January 30 2011, 13:42:48 UTC


dayadhvam_triad January 31 2011, 06:02:31 UTC
/offers some hot tea

(Glad you liked it! :D)


false_alexis March 7 2011, 04:17:42 UTC
Really really like this! In a 'I am totally creeped out' way.


dayadhvam_triad March 7 2011, 18:48:18 UTC
Thank you! Creepiness was my goal, so I'm glad it came out that way. ;)


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