Aug 15, 2004 12:40
I haven't updated much but here I go. We just finished up three weeks of Warped tour. It was completely fun, nuts, tiring, blah blah blah. Needless to say, if it weren't for a lot of bands that were there, we wouldn't have had as much fun as we had. Thanks goes out to A Small Victory, Underoath (I cannot express how great of people this band are... wow), Underminded, Fear Before The March of Flames, From First To Last, Haste The Day, Amity and so many other rad people. Thanks.
We're only home for a week then we're touring again for six weeks with Mercury Switch on Indianola Records, (check 'em out The dates can be found at our MySpace page at or The MySpace page is more up to date, so that may be your best bet.
Wow, I know some of you have offered to help us make this page look nifty but wow, this needs help.