Oct 13, 2009 10:57
Saturday is Ornament Debut, and I'm about as unexcited as it is humanly possible to be.
A "big night" for us is $6000, and I spend most of the night in my head reliving what it was like to work at the other Hallmark in MD, with people I actually like, even though it would have been much more stressful and high-maintenance than this set up was.
Well, we have out new ornaments, which I have to study so that I can write about them. There's the new Christmas crap, as I like to call it. Hallmark has those recordable DVD greetings or something that I don't care about. There's punch and cookies and other than that, it is a normal night. I have to close with A, who takes my Sunday so I can spend it with my boyfriend. It is the first time closing that I do not screw up (too much), but it takes us til 10 to leave.
Monday, nothing happens. Literally nothing. The girl I work with doesn't say two words to me all night until we're about to leave. I think I may die of boredom until the Boy visits for a few minutes. But the good news is that I close and it's even better than Friday. Only now I don't work again for at least another week, so I will probably forget everything I know.
For the record (and I may say this in every entry from now on), I can't believe I'm doing another Christmas at Hallmark. I've broken my promise to myself. I sold out.