Feb 07, 2005 23:31
everything is awesome :) yupp.
lets see.. here's my life every week (and it couldn't be better):
monday- lay around. school 12-645. ADPi stuff 730-about 10 or 11.
tuesday- lay around, errands, shop, ADPi, Sex in the City. ah yes, homework.
wednesday- lay around. school 12-645. cheer 630-930 (overlappage there).
thursday- work 11-5. then im free, usually go to a fraternity party/club.
friday- work 11-5. then im free.
saturday- work 11-5. then im free.
sunday- work 11-5. homework.
and then it all starts again.
the best part is that in between all the times im doing things i get to hang out with Miles. :) hehehe he's my boyfriend, in case you didnt know. :) hehehe
and thats the update on my life.
i hope everyone is having an awesome time because life is too short to not enjoy it.