quizzie time

Oct 03, 2004 17:57

PART [I] About You...
+ Name: Shari
+ sex: girl
+ Age: 18
+ Location: Sacramento, California
+ Religion: Jewish
+ Height: 4'11"
+ Shoe Size: anywhere from 5 1/2 to 7
+ Hair color: brown
+ Eye color: blue, green,.. depends
+ Fears: being alone
+ Good qualities about you: hmm.. good question
+ Bad Qualities about you: heh heh.. im *a bit* moody

[PART II] Have You Ever...
+ Peed your pants? lol prolly.. i laugh a lot :)
+ Fallen off the bed? not that i remember
+ Fallen for a relative? lol not exactly
+ Had plastic surgery? nope
+ Broke someone`s heart? yahhh.. but im guessing its healed by now
+ Had your heart broken? yup sho have.. but only once so im hoping that wont happen again :/
+ Had a dream come true? yep :)
+ Done something you regret? nope never.. i dont regret things if i've learned from them
+ Cheated on a test?: who? me? cha!
+ Broken a body part? noope

[PART III] Currently
+ Wearing? jeans and a t-shirt
+ Listening to? random music.. on the comp.. at this moment 3 doors down
+ Eating? nothing... im hunnngry tho
+ Feeling? alright
+ Reading? notes for bio exam tomorrow
+ Located? my dorm room
+ Chatting With? Am Dom
+ Watching? nothin
+ Craving? a boyfriend :( heh
+ Should REALLY be doing? homework i suppose

[PART IIII] Do you...
+ Brush your teeth? once in a while lol
+ Like anybody? nope
+ Have any piercing? yup 4! ears and belly button
+ Drive? not this semester.. :( i miss my baby
+ Believe in Santa Claus? heh no.
+ Smoke? eh.
+ Drink? eh.
+ Got a cell phone? yah.. and its drying up my bank account grrrrr
+ Got a pager? haha 9th grade I did =P

[PART V] Friends...
+ Who is your best? thats a toughie..
+ Who is the loudest? Megan
+ Who is the shyest? Amanda
+ Who is the most talkative? Megan
+ Who laughs the most? Megan
+ Who have you known the longest? uhhh.. Amanda Z?
+ Who have you known the shortest? hmm.. Miles? Kara? i dunno.. they're all pretty new
+ Who do you miss the most? my friends from trayC.. but i'd hafta say my slut :)
+ Who do you turn to for personal problems? Megan, Annelise, my Mom.. and certain ppl for certain problems
+ Do you only hang out with a certain type? nope i dont discriminate :)
+ Do you belong to a crew? nope.. still a floater, unless you count Club Draper lol
+ Do you hang out with the opposite sex? lol thats mostly all i hang out with right now
+ Do you consider yourself popular? lol not exactly
+ Do you trust your friends? yup
+ Are you a good friend? yup
+ Can you keep a secret? for sure

[PART VI] The last person you...
+ Hugged? Nick.. or Andy
+ Talked to on phone? Quan
+ Yelled at? umm.. prolly Mom
+ Checked out? lol Miles
+ Fell in love with? its been a while.. but Steven
+ Tripped On? uhhh prolly Jon

+ What do you want to be when you grow up? i ask myself that all the time..
+ What was the worst day of your life? oh geez.. im really not in the mood to reminisce about awful things
+ What is your most embarrassing story? hahah.. too too many
+ What has been the best day of your life? i have a lot of spectacular days.. not sure about the best one though.. i dont think its happened yet
+ What comes first in your life? my friends and family
+ Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nope :/
+ Turn ons? theres a bunch lol.. smiling, kissing, hugging, talking.. plus all that other stuff ;)
+ Turn offs? IMMATURITY
+ What are you most scared of? being alone..
+ If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? lol on top of my forehead so i feel taller :)
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed? things that happened during the day.. or what will happen in the future
+ Did you lose someone you really loved? many, unfortunately
+ How many times have you fallen deeply in love? like, deeply deeply?? nunca.
+ Love your family? of course
+ Have you fought? yupp
+ What are you addicted to? hmmm
+ Want to move? YESSS

[PART VIII] Favorite...
+ Movie: uhh
+ Song: uhh
+ Band: uhh
+ Singer: uhh (lol can ya tell i have trouble deciding faves?)
+ Store: uhh
+ Relative: uhh
+ Sport: to participate in: cheerleading, to watch: football
+ Vacation Spot: hawaii fo shiz
+ Ice Cream Flavor: id hafta say chocolate chip cookie dough
+ Fruit: apples, bananas, mm pears, pineapple, oranges... i loove fruit
+ Candy: chocolate
+ Food: my moms lasagna
+ Car: i love my civic.. i miss her :(
+ Class: uhh
+ Holiday: uhh
+ Day of the Week: THURSDAY fo sho
+ Color: blue, then orange, then green
+ Magazine: uhh
+ Name for a Girl: uhh
+ Name for a Boy: uhh
+ Favorite spot for a date: hehe random places.. scootering around campus lol, on top of jungle gyms.. yanno :)
+ Favorite spot for an anniversary: anywhere.. as long as we're together.. sappy but true :)
+ Favorite resturant: hmm.. applebees.. just good memories there
+ McDonalds: eeeewwww
+ Burger King: bleeehhh
+ In-N-Out: cheeseburger w/ grilled onions, no tomatoes. or grilled onions only protein style. or grilled cheese plain. mmmm i gotta go there soon.. i miss it
+ Wendy's: chicken nuggets and frosty

[PART IX] Do you...
+ Like to give hugs? yesss i love hugs
+ Like to walk in the rain? yesss
+ Prefer black or blue pens? black
+ Dress up on Halloween? not so much
+ Have a job? BLEH round table pizza.
+ Like to travel? yupppp
+ Think you're attractive? i'd like to think so..
+ Want to get married? cant wait to
+ Have a goldfish? many in the pond.. other fish too
+ Ever have the falling dream? alll the time.
+ Have stuffed animals? yepp
+ Go on vacation? yup lOve to

[PART X] What do you think about...
+ Abortion: its fine up until the second trimester.. or whenever it is that it becomes a real baby
+ Bill Clinton: go ahead and shoot me but, i like him
+ Smoking: eh.
+ Suicide: eh.
+ Summer: i loove summer
+ Tattoos: depends
+ Piercing: depends.. but mostly i like em
+ Make-up: hate it, but wear it anyways

[PART XI] This or that...
+ Pierced nose or tongue? tounge
+ Single or taken? eh
+ MTV or BET? mtv
+ 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? 7th Heaven
+ Sugar or salt? sugar
+ Silver or gold? silver
+ Chocolate or flowers? flowers
+ Color or Black-and-white photos? depends
+ M&M's or Skittles? m&ms
+ Stay up late or sleep? stay up late
+ Hot or cold? hot
+ Sun or moon? moon
+ Left or Right? right
+ 10 Acquaintances or one best friend? one best friend
+ Mustard or ketchup? ketchup
+ Spring or Fall? spring
+ Give or receive? give
+ Happy or sad? happy
+ McDonald's or Burger King? burger king
+ Mexican or Italian food? italian
+ Lights on or off? on
+ Candy or soda? candy
+ Pepsi or Coke? coke
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