woo hoo to life!!

Jul 05, 2004 03:19

well theres been mUcho stuff goin on lately.. haha i dont even have time to write in this thingy anymore!! sooo this is most likely gonna be kinda looong.. if i know myself like i think i do i'll prolly just start rambling and not be able to stop... lol so dont feel bad about not reading any further than this.. heheh look im rambling already :)

quan you are so right.. this summer has definitely been unpredictable!! but its awesome!!

today.. er, yesterday... was 4th of july... it was definitely a different one this year.. i only saw my family for.. eh, at the most 5-8 minutes. every year before this i have spent independence day with my family and my second family. this year i didnt even get to see my second family. :( i miss them. i didnt go to the park and see the booths and i didnt even get to see the effing fireworks at the THS field. and i wasnt in hawaii, wash dc, or florida this year. hmph. and i didnt even watch Independence Day (lol yanno the movie with Will Smith.. cuz its like a dang tradition for my family to watch it every year).

BUT it was still a way fun day. different, fo sho, but fun. its so weird, its like im growing up or different or something lol

quan and i went over and hung out with scott at his block party and ate other peoples food. muahahah.

then. i went to WORK. damn INO is a hUge part of why this year was sooo different for me. rather than being with people i love, relaxing on the grass watching the fireworks, eating pizza, i was making burgers and fries.. "guest number 84..." ugh. whatever though... thavy and jp made it way better than i expected it to be.. mmm to cookies, ice cream, and hersheys kisses. :)

after work a buncha us went to dennys and had some comida. yummm omelettes!! :) and my wonderful friends quan and scotty taped some of the fireworks for me to see.. thank you sooo much!!!!!!!!

and HAPPY BDAY LOUIE!!!! (kyle)

then he had to poo :) so he went home and me, megs, scott and jimmy went and painted the town and rocked out and raced cars. ehehh then we went home.

so then i was looking at the pictures i picked up today from all the senior activities and such, and that made me so happy to see all my friends i love smiling and everything... and all those pictures bring back such good memories.. and yah i shoulda taken more than just one effin role. eh well.
so once i start doing something i sorta cant stop, so i kept looking at pictures, all the way back to junior year. and of course i had to see some pictures from the beginning of senior year and during last summer. ugh.. those brought back some memories too. some pretty damn good memories that right now i would prefer not to remember. bleehhhhhhhhh...

so right now im just kinda wallowing in effin great memories that makes me sit and wonder what it would be like *if* things were different... yanno all those ugly "what ifs"... oh well. im reallly wasting my time though cuz obviously its not supposed to be that way.... we'll see what happens in the future ;) ugghhh ok there i go being all stupid and hopeful.... well what else is there to be other than optimistic.. though i shouldnt be that way about that... hehehe and im totally sure that NO ONE understood any of that.. eh no worries. i dont even get it.... :(

sooo moving on.... yah one other reason i havent been online like at all lately is cuz my friggen computer broke, so i hafta send it back. but im getting an awesome new one, buut it doesnt come till like the 16th. eh, what can ya do... im way excited for that though :)

OH MY LORD camping was way fun.... hehehe good times with a buncha AWESOME friggen people!!!

annnd i had orientation at sac state last week.. way excited for that. way. mmm college... gonna be hard, way hard, but way funnnnnn :) and i just cant wait. though its gonna be sooooooooooo expensive.. i'll prolly end up having to sell some of my body parts to be able to pay for it. unlike some people (grr) i didnt get any money in grants or any type of financial aid, and mommy and daddy aren't gonna pay for it either. at least i got a couple scholarships...

aw shnizer. i just remembered i hafta go get my diploma and my transcript.. ehheh oops.. i hope there wasnt some sort of deadline for sending that in... lol we'll see

soooo yah.. i am just having the best time lately.. i absolutely love my friends.. and there is no better way to spend this summer than how its going. so, though it was (and still is) way unpredictable, i am loving every effin minute of it.

lol ever since we went camping i am cussing a whole lot lately.. egh its annoying.. somebody hasta like slap me or somethin every time i do it cuz i wanna stop!

wow. i only have like a friggen month and a half left till i leave for college. wow. THAT, my friend, is cRaZy.

oy, when i think about that i get all happy and nervous and excited and sad at the same time. its so weird. lol im so not ready to move.. i really need to start packing up my room. and i need to go shopping for things like a comforter and such. hmmmmmm that should be fun.. seriously im looking forward to going through my room and throwing away alllll that junk.. i really should start soon. whenever i like really CLEAN my room, i end up finding alll this stuff thats "so cool!" and start playing with it or somethin.. lol so yah i really should start.

hmmmm yupp this was a long one.. and now im tired.. and i hafta work tomorrow morning.. er, this morning, lol whatever. so i think ill sleep now. :)

night all!!
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