Title: The Game
Pairing: Grimmjow/Ulquiorra
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Yaoi, wallsex, slight d/s themes, mild bondage, PWP.
Disclaimer: Bleach belongs to Kubo. Both characters are older than eighteen.
My mind fought against my reflexes and won, but the battle was far from over. )
Hi, you don't know me by the way, but I'm Emily. Nice to meet you :D You have gained a new fan! *adds to memories*
Is there more of this I can read by the way?
P.S. Your layout/background is the sex. *pets it adoringly*
((And isn't Shuu sexy? I have this pic as my background here and on myspace, as my desktop, and as the background on my Zune. I'm a bit obsessed. *grin*))
*lol's at your icon* That is just awesome. XD
Would you mind terribly if I friended you? :D
You play Guild Wars?
ME TOO! I have them all. >.>
I haven't been on it much lately, LJ has been getting all my attention recently, having started a community and whatnot, and WORKING because that's how I pay for my paid account, heh.
I've been trying to get into writing again, I used to be very good at it but it left me. You on the other hand are spectacularly good at it. Roleplaying sounds interesting but I'd be too scared I'd do it wrong haha.
Damn. Now I want to play.
You should start writing again! I had a dry spell for a couple years, but moving around and having a son can do that to a person, I guess. ^.^
Role-playing is pretty much my hobby of choice. I play Yumichika, Nnoitra, and Zangetsu at bleach_beats and Yumichika, Ulquiorra, and Renji at hardboiled_rpg. It's sooo much fun~
I've been working on a Chapt 2 for the crappy fic I posted in my journal. I can't get it to flow the way I want. It will come to me soon enough I'm sure.
Oh, and I shamelessly stalked your myspace XD and I must say I hope I look that good after having a kid. Actually, I wish I looked that good period. XD I'd have never even known you'd had one if you hadn't said.
Here is a picture of my baby. ^.^
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