Caught, Part Two

Feb 21, 2008 15:46

Title: Caught, Part Two
Characters: Ikkaku, Kira, Yumichika, mentions of Shuuhei.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Yaoi
Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach. All the characters are older than 18.

Part One

Caught, part two

Ikkaku freezes, his blood turning to ice as he hopes against hope that he did not just hear that familiar voice behind him. Removing his mouth from Kira's neck, he raises his head and feels his stomach sink at the look on the blond's face. The horror imbedded in those blue eyes could mean only one thing...


He remains motionless, unsure of what to do, but absolutely certain that he does not want to turn around. His back tingles with the weight of Yumi's stare, and he squirms uneasily as the violet eyes behind him begin to burn a hole through his clothes. Releasing his grip on Kira's wrists, he brings his hands down to straighten his kimono, taking a deep breath before slowly turning to face his fate.


The beautiful man's face is unreadable, but his eyes are sharp and his fingers are curled around the hilt of Fuji Kujaku. Ikkaku winces and takes a step back, only to be reminded that Kira is still behind him. He exhales the breath that he wasn't even aware he had been holding and opens his mouth to speak. What comes out sounds something like, "Uhhngh," but definitely doesn't resemble any sort of coherent speech. He wets his lips and tries again. "I thought you weren't coming back until next week."

Yumichika blinks once before reaching up to smooth his hair with one hand, the other still gripping his zanpakuto. When he finally speaks, his voice is flat and cold. "The mission didn't take as long as planned."

Ikkaku feels Kira shrink behind him. A part of him wants to shrink away, as well. He knows how vicious Yumi can get when he's upset, or worse yet, jealous. That side of the fifth seat rarely surfaces, but when it does... The bald Shinigami glances around, looking for some means of escape. He clears his throat and stares at the space beside Yumi's face - not because it's more interesting, but because the empty space doesn't have eyes that make his knees feel weak. "Yumi... I..."

Something lodges in his throat and prevents him from saying anything else. Probably a good thing, since he can't think of anything to say, anyways. He glances at Fuju Kujaku and wonders why he's not dead yet. Kira inhales softly behind him, reminding him that he's not alone. Perhaps if he works together with Izuru....


A promise is a promise, and Ikkaku promised long ago that he would never raise his sword against the lithe brunet in front of him. But then... he also promised that he would never be intimate with another man. He knows what Yumi does with Shuuhei when they're alone in the real world. He knows what they do when he's asleep after a long night of drinking, when they are still awake. He knows, and he's okay with it. Yumi told him about his relationship with the scarred fukutaichou a long time ago, and he had assured the man that it was fine. The pretty fifth seat had told him to take on other lovers, too, but he had promised that he would sleep with Yumi and Yumi alone. It had never been a problem until now...

He adjusts his weight and looks down at his feet. It's true that he doesn't mind what Shuuhei and Yumichika do when he's not around, but he's never had to see it, either. If he were to walk in to find them doing what he and Kira had just been doing... He squares his shoulders and looks up, fully prepared to accept whatever it is that Yumichika has in store for him.

Yumi steps forward, coming to a halt in front of Ikkaku. There is something that looks suspiciously like a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. The bald shinigami blinks, completely confused at the devious light dancing in his lover's eyes, only to become absolutely baffled as Yumichika maneuvers around him to stand beside Izuru. He pales and wonders what kind of death and destruction is in store for the blond fukutaichou. Turning his head, he watches curiously as Yumi reaches out to trace his long fingers over the curve of Kira's jaw.

What the hell?

His eyes widen to the size of saucers when the brunet leans forward to press a kiss to Izuru's lips. His jaw drops when the blond tentatively returns it. Everything that makes sense seems to leave with the breath that audibly escapes him. Yumi catches the back of Kira's neck and deepens the kiss, twirling his fingers in the blonde hair there and glancing at Ikkaku from the corner of his eye. The third seat snaps his jaw closed and blinks once, then twice, trying to figure out what the hell is going on.

After deciding that thinking will probably get him into trouble, Ikkaku simply gives in and enjoys the moment for what it's worth. The two Shinigami next to him seem to be lost in their kiss, and he observes, unabashed, as they continue to lick and nibble at each other's lips. He knows how talented that tongue of Yumi's is, so it comes as no surprise when the tension in Kira's body begins to slowly melt away. Yumichika must feel it, too, because he slides his hands down the fukutaichou's chest and to the obi at his waist, those nimble fingers deftly untying the knot in the blink of an eye.

Ikkaku feels his pulse quicken as the brunet slips Izuru's kimono over his shoulders, revealing pale skin that seems to glow in the moonlight. Yumi's hands work over that tempting skin, lingering in what must be the right spots, because the blond closes his eyes and moans softly. The agile fifth seat steps around Kira, snaking his hands around the torso in front of him and sending Ikkaku a sly look.

"Beautiful, isn't he?" Yumi asks, his eyes glinting with what Ikkaku knows to be pure desire.

"Fuck, yes." The bald Shinigami steps forward and grabs Yumi's arms, pinning Kira between them and groaning at the warmth of the body next to his. He kisses Izuru fiercely, devouring the lingering taste of the brunet that still haunts those lips. Gasping for air, he licks and bites a wet trail down the blond's neck and shoulder, where he finds Yumichika's mouth waiting for him. He groans into his lover's mouth, relishing the two distinct flavors as they dance across his tongue.

Stepping back, Ikkaku grins and glances at the doors to his side. Yumi takes the hint and leads Izuru into the room, waiting until they are all inside before closing the doors behind them. Ikkaku steps over to the table and lights a single candle, watching the flame dance for a second before turning back to see where the other two men have gone. They are kissing again, laying down on the soft futon in the corner of the room. Yumichika must have taken off his kimono while Ikkaku wasn't looking, because the first thing that the bald man notices is the subtle differences in skin tone between his lover and the blond. He walks over and removes his own kimono before dropping to his knees, watching with rising excitement as the two men continue to explore each other's mouths.

Yumi breaks the kiss to trail his hands down Kira's torso, lingering on the waistline of the other's hakama for a moment before removing the tie there and slipping them down. Ikkaku just barely supresses a groan, his own arousal pulsing at the erotic sight. He bites his lip as Yumi's hands slide across Izuru's flesh - a steady heat trickling through him as he watches the fingers that have burned across his body countless times as they move over the blond's skin. His breath catches in his throat as Yumi slowly lowers his head to kiss a lazy trail down Kira's stomach.

Izuru groans when the brunet's lips come into contact with his erection, and Ikkaku follows suit with a growl of his own. Yumi tucks his hair behind his ear to give the third seat a better view, slipping a wet tongue out to slide against the vein on the underside of Kira's cock. Ikkaku watches, fascinated, as his lover's mouth rises and falls over that pulsing length, his own twitching in response. He knows that mouth - knows what it can do, but seeing it like this is completely different than experiencing it for himself. His breathing stills as Izuru pants and gasps, writhing under Yumi's mouth and clinging to the blanket below him. It's incredible... to watch the brunet elicit those noises from someone else... to know, in detail, exactly what that tongue is doing to make Kira respond like that.

Unable to keep still any longer, Ikkaku crawls over and plants a line of kisses up Yumichika's back, biting into the curve of a shoulder when he reaches it. The fifth seat moans around the thickness in his mouth, making Izuru gasp and writhe a bit more. Ikkaku grins and finds Kira's lips with his own, probing forward with his tongue into the sweetness of the other's mouth. After a moment, Yumi comes up and pushes him onto his back, kissing his chest and smiling at Kira to invite him to do the same. Izuru blinks before untying Ikkaku's hakama and sliding the fabric down. The third seat turns to find that Yumichika has removed his own clothing, his heart skipping a beat at the sight of the naked men above him. They move next to him and continue their ministrations, tongues and lips and teeth moving across his skin in fluid patterns that almost seem rehearsed.

All thought escapes Ikkaku as the two men tease his body. Kira crawls up to kiss him, and he closes his eyes to focus on the mouth against his own. Izuru's lips are soft and pliant, and they slip open easy as he ventures forward with his tongue. The kiss is playful and gentle, save for a nip to his bottom lip every so often. The blond moves away and Ikkaku finds himself in another kiss, with his lover, this time. Yumichika's lips are devastatingly familiar. They war with his for dominance - soft, yet firm as they press into his. As the kiss deepens, their tongues dance together in a fiery, passionate tango that speaks of desire and beauty and grace.

Left breathless, Ikkaku tucks his arms behind his head and watches as Yumi leads Kira's mouth down his body and towards his neglected arousal. It always amuses him - how the brunet can take control of even the most uncontrollable of situations. The smirk that had been curving his lips disappears when he feels Izuru's tongue slide against his aching flesh. Yumi catches his gaze and winks, and for the life of him he cannot find the mechanism that would allow him to wink back. His body falls prey to the slick heat sliding over his cock, and he tilts his head back and growls in pure pleasure.

The mouth leaves him, causing him to raise his head to see what the hell happened now. Any complaint that he might have had dies on his tongue when he catches sight of the two men kissing above him, fastly becoming mesmerized by their sensual display. Yumi breaks the kiss and pushes Kira down so that he's on all fours, trailing his hand over the blond's back and looking at Ikkaku with a suggestive glint in his eye. The third seat closes his mouth, that had somehow fallen open, and reaches for the tube that is kept in the stand beside the futon. Before he has a chance to unscrew the cap, Yumi takes it from him and squeezes a bit of the oil into his palm. Ikkaku bites back a fierce groan as his lover leans forward to coat his eager arousal with the slippery substance.

Leaning forward, Ikkaku lets his breath ghost up Kira's back before he tilts his head to nip at the blond's ear. He slides his hand around Izuru's waist and holds him still for a moment. "This okay with you?" His voice is rough with desire, but he won't go any further until he gets some sort of confirmation. Kira nods presses his hips back, his actions more of an answer than words could ever be. The bald Shinigami kisses Izuru's neck before he finds himself drawn back by strong hands and is met with Yumi's lips on his own. He growls into the kiss, his hands still gripping the fukutaichou's waist, until Yumichika nips his bottom lip and pushes him back.

Ikkaku breathes deeply, watching with desire-filled eyes as his lover slicks his fingers and presses them into the blond's puckered entrance. Yumichika twists his fingers, making Izuru groan into the mattress. After a few more moments, the brunet moves away and presses a kiss to the fukutaichou's back. Ikkaku moves forward and gently presses his cock against Kira's opening, allowing the man to relax before slowly sliding in to the tight heat that awaits him. He groans at the delicious friction and tilts his head back, stars flashing behind the eyelids that he doesn't remember closing.

Once he feels Izuru adjust to his thickness, Ikkaku begins a steady rhythm, his breath quickening with each deliberate thrust. The blond reaches for Yumichika, catching the brunet's arm and bringing him in front. Yumi smiles and oblidges, laying on his back, with his legs parted to give Kira access to his heated flesh. Those violet eyes burn with lust as they pierce Ikkaku's, sending a shiver down his spine. His breath catches in this throat as he watches Izuru take Yumi into his mouth, wringing a groan from the brunet's parted lips.

Time slows as the three men continue their impromptu rhythm. Ikkaku thrusts into Kira, who swallows Yumichika, who fists his fingers in that blonde hair and gasps in pleasure. The feel and the sight and the sound is too much for Ikkaku, and he feels a trickle of heat begin to pool in the pit of his stomach. He grips Izuru's hips and pushes forward once more, growling in pure satisfaction as his release pours through him. That final thrust sends Kira over his own edge, and Ikkaku shudders as he feels the blond convulse around him. Yumichika tenses below, gripping the mattress with white-knuckled fingers and moaning as he comes in Izuru's mouth.

The night suddenly falls quiet, the silence punctuated by heavy breathing as they all collapse onto the futon. Ikkaku crawls over to Yumichika, planting a single kiss to his lover's temple before rolling over onto his side. He grins and rubs his face in the mattress, his body still tingling with the subtle aftershocks of pleasure. Tilting his head, he looks at Yumi and furrows his brow. "I thought you would be pissed."

Yumi glances at him before inspecting his nails in the flickering candlelight. "Who said I'm not?"


Note: Yes, I admit that this was all just an excuse to write an Ikka/Yumi/Kira threesome. ^.^ Just in case it's a bit unclear... Ikkaku and Yumichika have somewhat of an open relationship in this piece, just because the threesome really wouldn't have worked otherwise. This is only the second threesome that I've ever written, so I hope that it was okay. ♥


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