Jan 25, 2005 16:12
Blah... Today was...blah... Went to school today. Since this week is homecoming week, we get to have dress up days. Today was "Be a famous person" day or something like that. Tomorrow, it's "Decade Day" so we get to dress up as people from like the 70's, or even the future. I heard some people are gonna be characters from Futurama. Love that show. :) Then "Napoleon Dynamyte Day/Nerd Day"... Then..uhh..I dunno what Friday is... o_O
Math was boring... Aerobics was tiring...stupid weights again... Arms hurt to lift. x_x English was boring... Bible was boring...but I found out my Bible teacher's wife(also my math teacher) is pregnant! With her forth! O_o; ^^ Wow. *Applaud* Uhh... Lunch was lonely... Chappel was boring... Took a test in Science...dunno how I did...probably bad... Who knows. ASP was boring...'cept I did all my homework, so I'm free today to do whatever I wanna. YES. :)
:( I feel bad. After school, when I went to my locker, just about EVERY locker had a folded piece of paper taped to it. Except mine. I snuck a peek at the locker next to mine's piece of paper to read what it says, and it was one of those letters from the school telling you that your grades last semester were high enough to get you into either the Honour Role or the President's List. I didn't get one, meaning my grades weren't as good, meaning my confidence went down the toilet. Even the dumb blonde creepy preppy girls were all, "I made it to the President's List! Yay!" I was like, in the same cheery voice, smile and all, "Fuck you!" Not really. But I was thinking that...
After school I felt crappy, and I just wanted peace and quiet. So I stayed in a seperate room, away from other students. Also meaning away from William.. (We usually talk after school.) He saw me, but didn't do anything.. I wonder what he's thinking. ...Why do I wonder what he's thinking?! Furgh. :/
So now...I'm just sitting here...typing...talking to mah peeps...trying to stay warm...listening to my stomach growl. Fun stuff. :/ Gonna go, before I bore you to death.