Jul 12, 2004 11:18
Directions: First of all, choose a favorite artist or band, then answer all the questions below using titles of any of their songs or CD's.
My choice: Green Day
1. Are you male or female? She
2. How are you today? Paranoid
3. Describe yourself: All by myself
4. How do some people feel about you? Fashion Victim
5. How do you feel about yourself? misery
6. Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: Jackass
7. Describe your views on significant others and crushes: Good Riddance
8. Describe what you want: Blood sex and booze
9. Describe how you live: time of your life
10.Describe how you love: here for the party
11. Share a few words of wisdom: we all die one day
Current music: good, better than ezra