(no subject)

Oct 26, 2005 10:37

hello theree

i havent done an actual update in a while so why not!

life is generally good tho confsuing lately.

i am incredibly busy cause of school, work and drama. tues thru thurs this week i have work at 2:30 till 6, then drama 6-9 it suuucks. drama is ehh im in a lot of stuff but i dont really like it. i might not go tonight because i really wanna go to the soccer game cuz is senior night. but then murray might eat me so iiiidk.

work isnt bad, its much better then those days at burger king. its easy...so ill probly stick around there for a while.

i got my sat scores and i did better last time =/ oh well, mario kart doesnt work for us all i guess haha. im pissed off because my grades were all wicked good at the progess reports and theyve all gone down. got an 87 on history though so im psyched.

in other news i am a horrible person. i truly am. but yeah i cant say why here. track me down if u reeeally wanna know. or just take my world that i am a cruel mean person at heart

my car is making weird sputerring noises whenever its on and this upsets me. i love it death...and death may come quicker than expected

i got a beanie baby giraffe at work! i named it frankie its so cute!

i need a halloween costume for allies party, and halloween. i might be courtney haha. but if not then i need a real costume. or just something that looks like a costume but is actually my clothes.

ahh i have no time though. i wana go to the soccer game tonight, but i technically have drama, but either way im not getting home till like 9 or later. bahh. and then its the same tomorow. friday im not going to school becasue im going to visit northeastern. so i have to go get a costume and allies present between boston and her party.

thats pretty much all i have to say. adios
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