Title: Fireworks
Author: Giantpanda24 (Jen)
Prompt: Firework picture (Prompt 2)
Fandom: House
Character(s)/Pairing(s): House
Rating & Warnings: Angst
Word Count: 100
Summary: Life was so much simpler high.
House tightly gripped the remote to his stereo. With every blast of fireworks he heard, he turned up the volume. He wanted to
forget. Wanted to be numb again. He still had a few pills stashed away, but he wasn’t ready to break them out. He knew
a day would come soon where he needed them more. He would have another fight with Cuddy, another patient would die. Everything seemed to be falling apart. Another boom shook his apartment. He glanced out the window wishing it would end. He wondered why life seemed so much simpler when he was high.