
Mar 22, 2011 11:20

Welcome to day_by_drabble, the multi-fandom daily drabble community! Writers from fandoms large and small are encouraged to participate. If no one else has written for your fandom, be the first!

In the next post you'll find information about our kick-off event, the April Showers Drabblethon, which starts April 8th.

Before we kick-off, you can familiarize yourself with the community info and rules on our profile page, and please be sure to introduce yourself by filling out our member questionnaire. day_by_drabble welcomes writers from all fandoms, and we'd love it to grow into a truly diverse multi-fandom community. We're excited to have each and every one of you on board.

Your fandoms:

Fandom(s) you've never written before but would like to attempt:

Characters and/or pairings you write and/or read (or, if you're new to fanfic, which you're most looking forward to writing):

Favorite place(s) to read fanfic:

A fanfic of your own you recommend:

A fanfic of someone else's you recommend:

Fictional character who reminds you of yourself:

Fictional character you wish could be your best friend:

Fictional character you'd date/marry:

Book/TV show/movie you wish was real:

A word you associate with spring:

A poem, song, quotation, or picture (no personal pics, and please include source info about the image) that inspires you:

If you're so inclined to help us get the word out about day_by_drabble, feel free to snag and post our ad banner on your personal journal and on your favorite fic communities!

community info

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