April Showers Prompt #27: Something Out of Nothing (BBC Robin Hood)

May 06, 2011 00:13

Title: Something Out of Nothing
Author: roh_wyn
Prompt: #27, create
Fandom: BBC Robin Hood
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Djaq, Will; mentions rest of the outlaws.
Genre: general
Rating & Warnings: G; no warnings
Word Count: 200
Summary: Her first night in the forest, Djaq tries to figure out Will.

That first night in the forest, after they've laughed, eaten, and bickered over the propriety of their sleeping arrangements, Will-he's the tall, sullen one, she thinks-presses a flat piece of engraved wood into her palm.

She balks at first, worried that it's some token of the affection she can read so easily on his face. But he catches her look of panic and lifts something off his own neck. In the darkness, she can just make out a similar piece of wood on the end of a rough cord. She nods, trying to hide her pleasure at being so quickly included by a group of men-even just a ragtag band of English outlaws.

She raises an eyebrow at Will. "You are…an artist?"

He shakes his head, embarrassed. "Carpenter."

He says no more and she allows silence to fall between them, reflecting on the single word that Will uses to describe himself.

He's the only one here who makes things, something out of nothing. She marvels at this for a moment before turning back to him, a smile on her face.

"You are an artist." And this time, there is no hint of a question in her voice.

april showers: prompt 27, author: roh_wyn, fandom: bbc robin hood

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