Title: Inevitable
pukajenPrompt: Prompt 15
Fandom: SG1
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jack/Sam
Genre: Romance
Rating & Warnings: G
Word Count: 441
Summary: Jack still felt as if his nostrils were coated with sand along with the rest of him
Jack still felt as if his nostrils were coated with sand along with the rest of him. The wind storm had come out of nowhere and there hadn’t been close to any real shelter. The gate was a good two day’s walk from their location and Jack knew his skin would be rubbed raw if he didn’t get to bath soon.
He really was getting too old for this.
“Sir, the spring seem safe; no contaminates in the water,” Carter said, walking up to him.
“So, we can take a bath?” Jack asked hopefully. His whole body itched; the temperature was well into the hundreds and the wind storm hadn’t cooled things down at all.
“Well, I wouldn’t stay in there too long, but yes, sir, I think it’ll serve the purpose.”
“Teal’c and Daniel have gone back to study the rocks,” Jack told her. The ruins were a ten minute walk away and neither man had seemed all that concerned about sand in unmentionable places. However, they had greatly benefited from being at the ruins when the storm hit. He and Carter hustled back, but it had taken them a good five minutes to reach what little protection the crumbling pillars and walls had offered.
Carter looked a bit uncomfortable with that news and suddenly their conversation took on a whole new tone. Before Jack was just focused on getting clean, now he was trying to figure out how to get clean without getting naked. Or, more importantly, how he was going to guard Carter effectively with the knowledge that she was naked nearby and not go quietly crazy without touching her.
Clearing his throat, Jack tried to figure out what to say. There was no way in hell they could bathe without the others to act as chaperone, but the grit was already starting to chafe.
“I think I’ll wait until they get back, but you go ahead, sir,” Carter told him, not quite meeting his eyes.
“Look, Cater, I won’t tell if you don’t.” The scratches on her neck were filled with little bits of sand and every time she moved her head, little particles fell out of her blond hair. There was no way she was any comfortable than he was.
She looked at him for a very long time before nodding slightly. Ever since they’d returned from their stay and Resort Nirrti, she had been studying him more intently than ever before, standing closer than was strictly allowed, not trying to hide her smiles when he made lame jokes. Jack knew it wasn’t going to be long before he needed to have a conversation with Hammond.