April Showers Drabblethon Prompt 12

May 03, 2011 00:08

Title: Alien
Author: pukajen
Prompt: Prompt 12
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Buffy
Genre: Angst
Rating & Warnings: G, Season 6
Word Count: 100
Summary: She’s slowly starting to understand that this is not an awful nightmare.

She’s slowly starting to understand that this is not an awful nightmare that she really has been brought back from the dead. The bright morning sun burns her eyes as she wakes in what was, what is, her home. Her skin itches, but whether it’s from the scratch of the cheap sheets or the fact that her skin was also brought back to life, re-grown, in minutes is up for debate.

She could as Willow, but Buffy doesn’t really want to hear the explanation, doesn’t want to have answer awkward questions.

Not when she’s an alien in her own life.

fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, author: pukajen, april showers: prompt 12

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