April Showers Prompt #12: Secondhand (Mass Effect)

Apr 19, 2011 16:21

Title: Secondhand
Author: fifmeister
Prompt: #12 - alien
Fandom: Mass Effect
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Hannah Shepard, implied f!Shepard/Garrus
Genre: General, maybe a bit of drama
Rating & Warnings: G, none
Word Count: 402
Summary: Hannah Shepard comes across some interesting information on her daughter's love life.

Captain Hannah Shepard had long since resigned herself to the reality of learning about her daughter's activities secondhand. Sometimes even thirdhand. Constant contact with loved ones was a luxury they had both given up when they'd chosen the military life, and it was a loss she had come to terms with long, long ago.

Yet she found she couldn't stop the small pang that shot through her as she stared down at the candid photographs on her monitor.

Paparazzi and tabloids and nosy reporters had been a constant in her daughter's life for several years now. The first human Spectre made big headlines; the first human Spectre mysteriously returned from KIA status made even bigger ones. Hannah had learned to ignore most of the stories and doctored photos that rolled across her desk, disregarding them as typical media trash. She knew her daughter better than all the gossip columnists on the extranet, after all.

She leaned back in her chair, steepling her fingers under her chin, eyes never leaving the monitor. Each photo displayed her daughter, seated in a nameless restaurant somewhere in the Citadel Wards. Sitting across from her in each image was a male turian with blue clan markings, the tattoos marred by extensive scarring on one side of his face.

Hannah's gaze scanned back and forth between the images, sharpening on individual details. Her daughter's eyes, alight with the smile that was all too rare. Her arm extended up and across the table to touch the turian's shoulder. Her hand in his, five fingers twining with his three.

Hannah crossed her arms over her chest.

Her little girl was in love. With an alien.

She stared at the pictures a moment longer before a resigned but genuine smile finally broke across her face, and she shook her head.

Trust her daughter to be nothing if not unconventional.

She leaned down to her console and opened her email client, typing out a quick message.

Hey sweetie,

Just came across some interesting pictures on the extranet. Any chance you were planning on telling me about this new man in your life?

I know we're both busy, so I won't be expecting to meet him anytime soon. But I do hope you'll at least let me know his name before you start showering me with adopted turian grandchildren!

Get back to me when you can, and keep making us proud.



author: fifmeister, fandom: mass effect, april showers: prompt 12

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