Midwinter #21: Refrigerator Ponderings (Castle)

Feb 08, 2012 12:54

Title: Refrigerator Ponderings
Author: mollywheezy
Prompt: #21:"I like these cold, gray winter days. Days like these let you savor a bad mood." --Bill Watterson
Fandom: Castle
Characters & Pairings: Castle, Alexis, Martha
Genre: Gen
Rating & Warnings: PG, missing moment from episode 3.1
Word Count: 100 (woot! ;) )
Summary: Castle ponders one of the great mysteries of life.

As the cold of the refrigerator hit his face, and Alexis' warmth pressed into his side, Castle wondered. Why stare into the refrigerator? With his arm around his heartbroken daughter, he was the comforting "cool dad" although he'd prefer Alexis didn't date until age thirty. He wasn't hungry, and if he were, take-out menus trumped the refrigerator. As his favorite cartoonist said, "I like these cold, gray winter days. Days like these let you savor a bad mood." Maybe without cold weather, refrigerators were the best option.

"You are wasting electricity!" Martha scolded.

"I pay for it, I'll waste it!"

midwinter: prompt 21, author: mollywheezy, fandom: castle

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