Midwinter Prompt #12 - "Love Ridden" (Battlestar Galactica)

Jan 29, 2012 18:49

Title: Love Ridden
Author: N_E_Star
Prompt: #12 - "Love Ridden"
Fandom: Battlestar Galactia
Characters & Pairings: Kara Thrace, Kara/Lee
Rating & Warnings: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: I want your warm, but it will only make me colder when it's over.

She watches as Lee comes in from the head, all showered and sweet smelling. Watches as he slips a clean pair of briefs on under his towel. Watches as the towel flicks off his hips and into the laundry basket. Watches as he flops onto his bunk and lets out a sigh.

Every fiber of her being screams out to slide in there with him, to crawl over him and feel the heat of his skin.

She stays in her own rack, because no matter how brightly they would burn, in the morning her skin would be colder then ever.

midwinter: prompt 12, author: n_e_star, fandom: battlestar galactica

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