Midwinter Prompt #10: Guess Again (Tangled)

Jan 24, 2012 19:50

Title: Guess Again
Author: JMetropolis
Prompt: Not-So-Bleak Midwinter Prompt #10 (Long)
Fandom: Tangled
Characters & Pairings: Eugene Fitzherbert, Rapunzel, Pascual, King and Queen
Rating & Warnings: PG
Word Count: 994
Summary: A parlor game goes horribly wrong for Eugene.

Guess Again

On most days breakfast was a complex and well-orchestrated affair. It was overseen by a bevy of butlers and serving staff in one of the large formal dining rooms on the first floor of the Castle. Depending on the pertinent matters of the day, the Captain or half a dozen or so of the King’s trusted advisors would sit around the large oak table briefing the King on important issues of national security or foreign policy. There was so much hustle and bustle that Eugene felt like he was attending a meeting or conference instead of enjoying a meal.

On Sundays, however, the setting was much more informal. On Sunday mornings, Eugene and Rapunzel would have breakfast with the King and Queen in a small sitting room adjacent to the King and Queen’s bedroom.

The family began having breakfast there shortly after Rapunzel and Eugene had arrived at the castle. It was always just the five of them -- Pascal included, of course.

In addition to eating breakfast in this small sitting room, they would play parlor games. That was the part Rapunzel liked best. She loved games. The Queen had picked up on this rather quickly and so she had instituted this Sunday morning tradition.

Eugene had suspected that this was a subtle way for the King and Queen to get to know their daughter better. Eugene’s supposition was correct but his scope had been too narrow -- it was a way for all of them to get to know each other better.

On this particular day, they were playing the Guessing Game, one of the Princess’ favorites (she had more than one). They had paired off by couple and Pascal, being unable to speak, had grown bored of the whole endeavor and scampered off. The game had become more exciting with each round. Each team had won a prior round and they were now playing the final round which would determine the winner.

It was Rapunzel’s turn to describe an object in the room and Eugene’s turn to guess what that object was. Eugene wore a smug grin. He had complete faith in his princess. She was very good at games and victory, he felt, was certain. Eugene leaned forward on the edge of his chair, rubbed his hands together and gave his princess a little nod and a wry smile signifying that he was ready.

“Okay,” Rapunzel breathed. “I see something that is soft and squishy but also long and hard,” she finished, giving Eugene a triumphant look.

Eugene choked on air. When he had sufficiently recovered from his coughing fit, he gave a side glance to the King and Queen who were equally stunned. The King and Queen bore the same facial expression: their mouths were agape, they eyes wide in alarm. Eugene felt his stomach sink.

Eugene now had the unwanted and undivided attention of everyone in the room. The King and Queen stared at him in complete and utter shock. His princess smiled at him expectantly, waiting for him to guess correctly so they could be declared the winners. Apparently, she was the only person in the room who was blissfully unaware of the sudden and palpable tension.

Eugene had started to sweat. He subconsciously crossed his arms and nervously rocked back and forth in his chair.

“Come on, Eu-gene! It’s eea-sy. It’s something you really like,” she said rather impatiently.

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at this last clue. Where did she get that misguided notion? Well, sure he liked one in particular, but he certainly did not like all of them in general.

“Um, Princess. I don’t think that’s correct. I don’t --,” he had finally managed to stammer a protest but she cut him off.

“Oh Eu-gene. It’s not a big secret. Everyone knows you like this. I’ve seen you enjoy it lots of times,” she helpfully added. She looked frankly surprised that it was taking him this long to guess.

At this last statement, the King began to tug at his collar. It suddenly seemed too tight. The Queen dropped her gaze and began intently studying the embroidery pattern on the napkin that lay across her lap.

“What?!” Eugene asked incredulously, his voice a high-pitched squeak. He could not believe this was happening to him. He wished for nothing more than for the marble floor to open up and swallow him whole. He was certain his handsome face matched the new crimson drapes.

“Would you like another clue?” She asked sweetly.

“NO!!!,” Eugene interjected, his eyes as big as saucers. As large as Eugene’s competitive streak was, his survival instincts were much stronger. They were finally kicking in. Eugene knew that each successive clue was digging him a deeper trench and that guessing correctly was decidedly not an option. He had to make a wrong guess and pray that she would not correct him. He quickly scanned the room for a possible answer, but of course nothing more genteel fit her descriptions.

“A pitcher?” He asked with a strained voice. He immediately cringed, waiting for the next dreaded step.

“No, silly,” she knitted her eyebrows at his lame response but gave him a small, dejected little smile before turning to her parents.

Under their rules, it was now the King and Queen’s turn to guess since Eugene had guessed incorrectly. The King and Queen both quickly declined to make any guesses, the Queen was still studying her napkin as she spoke.

“It’s bread!” Rapunzel declared happily as she pointed to the basket of assorted croissants, rolls and baguettes at the center of the table. “What else could it possibly be?” she asked matter-of-factly.

In response to this innocuous explanation, the other inhabitants in the room simultaneously breathed sighs of relief, Eugene’s sigh being the loudest. Eugene had suddenly developed a preference for card games or marbles or puzzles anything but guessing games with his princess.

fandom: tangled, midwinter: prompt 10, author: jmetropolis

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