Midwinter Prompt #3: Auld Lang Syne, My Dear (Downton Abbey)

Jan 17, 2012 15:31

Title: Auld Lang Syne, My Dear
Author: mrstater
Prompt: resolutions
Fandom: Downton Abbey
Characters & Pairings: Lady Mary Crawley, Sir Richard Carlisle, Lady Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham; Richard/Mary
Rating & Warnings: rated PG, spoilers for the S2 Christmas special
Word Count: 759 words
Summary: "This is Haxby, and that's not how we do it here ( Read more... )

author: mrstater, fandom: downton abbey, midwinter: prompt 3

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Comments 53

the_silverdoe January 17 2012, 21:58:59 UTC
You cannot do this, now I'm going to regret that they didn't get married and Richard left. =P

Very lovely piece, sweet and endearing!


mrstater January 17 2012, 22:03:42 UTC
Hee! I'm sorry, I can't help myself with these two. Richard just slew me in their goodbye scene.

Thanks for reading and commenting! I'm very happy you enjoyed. :D


ju_dou January 17 2012, 22:07:12 UTC
Oh you are a TEASE. A TEASE!!

I forbid you to write Mary and Richard drabble because there is not enough, and I require a great many more of your beautifully composed sentences to satisfy me. Not that I wasn't satisfied, this is everything a drabble should be, concisely, clearly and effortlessly painting a picture of their changing relationship in so few words. ARGH, I will now have to read it again.


mrstater January 17 2012, 22:15:14 UTC
LOL You have no idea how much longer I wanted to make this! Darn the rules I made up for my own community restricting me to fewer than 1000 words.

I am so glad you felt this worked, and that it seemed effortless, because my goodness I spent way more time on this than should have been spent on 759 words and agonized a lot over how to structure it. I really hoped to convey they're changing relationship in a believable way, so thank you very much for your reassuring and lovely words.


phoenikxs January 17 2012, 22:25:47 UTC
*sigh* *melts*
You are right. That line works perfectly. But Richard's line is still my favorite :D


mrstater January 17 2012, 22:42:13 UTC
You know Richard is secretly a sap. ;) Thanks, my dear!


bela0103 January 17 2012, 22:28:50 UTC
It's so hard to find fics of this pair and this one is so great...I mean, I love the way you portrait Richard's and Mary's relationship.


mrstater January 17 2012, 22:42:58 UTC
No, not enough people write Richard/Mary fic, and I'm dying for some! Very pleased you like mine. I've got a few others at my personal LJ if you haven't read them!


bela0103 January 17 2012, 22:47:22 UTC
Yeah, only after I sent the comment that I realized that the other R/M fics I read were yours. And the only Dany/Jorah fics that I like are yours too. I guess I was a fan and didn't knew...


mrstater January 17 2012, 23:00:12 UTC
There's not much for either pairing! just_a_dram has written a couple of lovely Dany/Jorah fics, though.


roh_wyn January 17 2012, 22:29:56 UTC
Aaaaw. I've been in the Richard/Mary corner for a while now, so I approve of this fic. :) I especially liked the way Mary put her foot down, and fought for her rights. Well done!

Actually, you've given me a plot bunny, of which the less said the better...

I also love that you wrote a drabble nearly 800 words long, lol.


mrstater January 17 2012, 22:44:55 UTC
We define drabble very loosely here. ;)

In my head!canon, Mary totally rules Richard once they're married. I mean, it's to his benefit to let her have her way. ;)

And you have a plot bunny? I think you definitely need to say more about that! And write it!

Thanks for reading, dear. We need more Richard/Mary love. :D


roh_wyn January 18 2012, 17:37:27 UTC
I think you definitely need to say more about that!

Ha! You get what you ask for, and then some. :)

It's a story about Edith striking out on her own, with appearances from the rest of the cast, but at some point, she reflects on her sisters' lives, and you've given me an interesting insight into Mary's life, fwiw.

I'm reluctant to say more until I actually write the darn thing, lol.


mrstater January 18 2012, 18:21:42 UTC
Oh, I love it! Write it, write it!


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