Title: Lost Sheep
Author: bookdragon01
Prompt: Not-So-Bleak Midwinter prompt #2
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Ron and a border collie
Rating/Warnings: G, none
Word Count: 196
Summary: Sometimes dumb muggle animals are smarter than teenage wizards
"Go away, dog." Ron frowned at the collie who'd been literally dogging his heels for the last quarter mile.
The dog continued to bound beside him, twisting and barking as it went.
"Go away!"
"Bark! Bark! Bark!"
Ron sighed. It seemed his typical luck with magical creatures extended to muggle animals as well. Hermoine would have known what to do. She always knew what to do, which was why it was better that she stayed with Harry. The two of them would be better off without him.
The dog started running herding circles around him.
"What's the matter? Can't find your sheep in all this snow?"
No change. Collies were apparently immune to sarcasm.
"You know, there's a reason wizards don't have dogs as familiars," he told it.
The collie zipped past in front of him, running tighter circles as though trying to drive him in a different direction.
"Hey!" Ron protested. "Do I look like a lost sheep?"
It wheeled in front of him and crouched, front legs low, rear high, looking at him with an intense stare. "Bark! Bark!"
Ron paused, glancing back at his tracks in the snow. Yeah. Maybe I do...