Midwinter #1: Like a Stone (Castle)

Jan 16, 2012 16:35

Title: Like a Stone
Author: mollywheezy
Prompt: "In the Bleak Midwinter" by Christian Rosetti
Fandom: Castle
Characters & Pairings: Kate/Josh, unrequited Rick/Kate, Martha/Chet, Ashley/Alexis
Rating & Warnings: PG-13
Word Count: 250
Summary: Rick has a disappointing evening.

Like a Stone )

midwinter: prompt 1, author: mollywheezy, fandom: castle

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Comments 6

katwoman_68 January 19 2012, 23:57:07 UTC
Poor Rick. It wasn't bad enough about the Mom and daughter, but then he had to see Kate, too. This makes me want to give him a big hug! Great characterizations here. :)

I've just started watching Castle this year.


mollywheezy January 20 2012, 00:05:04 UTC
YAY! I have a comment! I'm so excited . . .


My husband and I have only started watching this year, too, but we are both addicted and have already seen the first three seasons twice. ;)

Thank yoou for your lovely comment! I'm glad you enjoyed the characterizations. :)



grandma_kate January 20 2012, 00:49:22 UTC
Indeed, poor Castle. I really like the stories where they are already in a relationship. I've never seen what Beckett sees in Mororcycle Man.


mollywheezy January 24 2012, 13:21:56 UTC
I don't know what Beckett sees in Motorcycle Man either. Besides, any of my single friends in her situation would have responded to Castle's advances years ago. ;)

Thanks for reading! *hugs*


sspring92 January 20 2012, 05:16:33 UTC
AW poor Castle! You know I kind of hate that Ashely kid! Alexis is WAAAY to good for him!


mollywheezy January 24 2012, 13:24:02 UTC
I agree! Especially once he goes to college. But at least the scene where Castle meets him is funny . . . ;D

Thanks for reading and commenting! *hugs*


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