Midwinter Prompt #2: Ghosts

Jan 16, 2012 08:29

Title: Ghosts
Author: mrstater
Prompt: #2
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
Characters & Pairings: Tyrion Lannister/Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Ghost
Rating & Warnings: rated PG, mentions of character death, future fic
Word Count: 373
Summary: Tyrion is afraid of Sansa's ghosts.

Ghosts )

fandom: a song of ice and fire, author: mrstater, midwinter: prompt 2

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Comments 19

lainemontgomery January 16 2012, 17:37:58 UTC
GAH! This is so beautiful. I love the way you write these two- it's nice to be reminded of Tyrion's capacity for sweetness, and the way he thinks about Sansa- as if he can barely believe she's really there, and is constantly frightened of losing her- so true to his character. Love it!


mrstater January 16 2012, 18:17:51 UTC
Thank you so much! That's exactly the kind of feeling I hoped to convey in this; I think Tyrion would be totally flabbergasted by Sansa choosing him in the end, and always expect her to change her mind, only to be surprised by her continually. She does have a tremendous capacity for bring out his sweet side, doesn't she? And I think Tyrion really is, at heart, a very kind person, and would make a really good husband.


anywhere_but_nj January 16 2012, 18:51:42 UTC
Ghost is more consort to King Jon than his queen ever will be

King Jon!! I love it!

:( Lady *cries* The wolves understood their masters better than any other living creature - even Lady, who didn't last long. They were meant for the children.

Cute ending. Very bittersweet drabble.


mrstater January 16 2012, 19:25:38 UTC
I'm starting to rather love the idea of Jon on the Iron Throne at the end. He's such a good Lord Commander. Though I imagine he'd take it only reluctantly.

Even before I liked Sansa, I felt so badly for her that she lost Lady because of that whole situation between her, Arya, Joffrey, and Mycah. Sansa should have told the truth, of course, but it was so horrible that Cersei had her wolf killed. :( I feel so sad every time Sansa misses Lady.

Very glad you liked! Thanks for reading and commenting. :)


gilpin25 January 16 2012, 22:15:04 UTC
I do hope GRRM is on your wavelength when it comes to the future as your ideas for some of the characters are such enticing ones. I particularly like Stanza seeming to embrace her Stark heritage, and then also embracing her husband's at one and the same time. A lovely way forward for them both, especially as I'm sure Tyrion desperately needs many moments like this from a young woman who doesn't have to be paid to care for him but who chooses to do so. And yet he's still wary Tyrion, forever on his guard aginst malicious courtiers as well as direwolves.

Love the image of married King Jon retaining the black while Ghost still strolls faithfully at his side. Another story there, surely! ;)


mrstater January 16 2012, 22:35:41 UTC
Why, thank you! I do rather like being at this stage in the series where there's so much speculation still about who might end up on the throne. I'm not sure exactly how it would work out for Jon to be king, if he's Rhaegar's bastard, but I'm sure GRRM could come up with some way for it to happen. (I'd also love if he was Lord of Winterfell in the end, and married to Val!) Actually I had this ridiculous idea behind this one that he's married to Dany to strengthen the Targaryen claim on the throne, but they're not romantically involved. You know, so Jorah can still have a chance with her ( ... )


fifmeister January 17 2012, 01:30:30 UTC
This is really wonderful. I love the idea that Sansa would still miss poor Lady, even years later. And I love the acknowledgment of how important the wolves are to the Stark offspring, that sometimes Sansa even misses Lady more than the human members of her family. As always, another thing that makes this ficlet great is your awesome descriptions--those magnificent beasts' nuzzles, as gentle as it is dangerous and her mane ablaze against the field of snow that glitters in the rising winter sun especially stood out to me! You have such a neat way with words. :)


mrstater January 17 2012, 02:17:24 UTC
Aw, thank you, hon! This prompt immediately took me to direwolves, but when the idea of Sansa mourning Lady in the future popped into my head I knew I had to write that. It just hurts me how she's the one Stark kid with no wolf; I mean, even Arya knows Nymeria is out there somewhere, but Lady is dead, and for no good reason, either. :( I think Sansa must really feel that. I really appreciate your lovely words about the descriptions, too; I always struggle in drabbles with how much is too much or too little!


presocratic January 17 2012, 07:30:06 UTC
I'm so glad I saved this for tonight because it was such a treat at the end of this long, long day. I know I say this every time you write a fic featuring him, but your Tyrion is my Tyrion. He has that same sweetness that can still be hindered by his constant questioning of his worth - and, in a way, of Sansa's judgement in choosing him. (And I think this is Martin's Tyrion too, tbh.)

The best line in this fic is undoubtedly: Her loose hair tickles his cheek, and for a moment Tyrion fancies himself the recipient of one of those magnificent beasts' nuzzles, as gentle as it is dangerous.I love the idea of Sansa becoming wild in her own way, but remaining gentle to her husband, who, I think, is more fragile than Sansa in his way. I just see Sansa as being in this 100% if she chooses him - because she's a Tully and a Stark, and that's just how she rolls. She doesn't do thing half-assed. (LOL Sansa would have a heart attack at my language, I think.) And I agree with what you said downthread about these two deserving a wedding do- ( ... )


mrstater January 17 2012, 12:29:21 UTC
Aw, I just couldn't ask for a better compliment than I write Tyrion like you do, one because you write him damn well and two because I think that means he must be like book Tyrion and that's always my goal in writing fic, to get the characters as close to the real thing as possible.

I totally agree with you that Sansa, once she's put her mind to something, goes through with it all the way and never backs down. And I think that's just what Tyrion needs to see! It will be so healing.

Gosh, I want to write wedding do-over for them! Would that be totally cheesy?


presocratic January 17 2012, 19:03:40 UTC
Argh, right now I'm rp'ing post-Battle of the Blackwater hurt/comfort with my Sansa, so I have SO MANY Tyrion feelings right now. *flails* And I would read the shit out of a wedding do-over, I don't even care how cheesy it is. (Although I highly doubt it would be cheesy in your capable hands.) Seriously, please write this. Please please please. <333


mrstater January 17 2012, 21:55:13 UTC
Haha! I'll add it to my ever-growing list... (Luckily I can just copy-past my Jorah/Dany wedding and change the names. ;))


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