Title: Fare Well, My Soldier
Author: Ranguvar42
Prompt: Blue Skies Prompt 31: Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side
The summer's gone, and all the flowers are dying
'Tis you, 'tis you must go and I must bide.
- "Danny Boy" by Frederic Weatherly (Actually the name of the song is Londonderry Air…)
Fandom: Alice in Wonderland 2010
Characters: Alannah and Arianna
Genre: Family/Comfort
Ratings/Warnings: K, nothing bad.
Word Count: 561
Summary: As soldiers' wives, Arianna and Alannah share a special bond.
The Patrol had once again left for a three month journey through Underland. While there had not been any major trouble or attempts on the throne since time immemorial, there was still roving bands of thieves and outlaws that plagued the towns close to the Outlands, and every now and then a skirmish would have to be stopped before it grew too difficult.
The first time that Arianna had learned that she would be separated from Michael for that length of time, she had been nearly catatonic with shock and grief. She missed him so much it felt like a physical ache inside her chest. Her parents could do nothing to cheer her up. Finally in desperation Alice had sent her to Alannah for a tonic that she hoped would cure her of her crushing depression.
Alannah was sitting at the kitchen table sorting through Vicki's clothes, setting aside items to be mended, when she heard a knock at the door. "Come in!"
Arianna entered, and Alannah immediately recognized the devastated look on her face. It was one that she had seen in the mirror often when Ilosovic first became Captain of the White Army. She didn't say a word. Instead she stood, holding out her arms, and Arianna ran to her, falling into her embrace in a torrent of sobs. Alannah held her, letting her sob and shake. "I know, my dear. I know. I wish I could tell you the feeling of loss and devastation lessens over the years, but I'd be lying. Every time Ilosovic leaves, I feel my heart twist. I know he's a fine soldier, but I always dread that…" she left the sentence hanging, knowing Arianna would know what she meant.
She led her over to the couch, and Arianna fished a handkerchief out of her pocket and dabbed at her eyes. "I don't know what to do! I've been having such horrid nightmares of Michael….dying. Mum sent me here for…I don't know; I guess she thought you might have a tonic."
Alannah hugged her. "I don't have any sure fire cures for this, Ari. But I will be here for you the whole time Michael is gone, and every time after. You and I share a bond that not many could understand. If you need me, day or night, my door is open to you. Our soldiers will need us to be strong for them. We must bide here while they are gone."
Arianna smiled at her aunt, and then hugged her tightly. "Thank you. I am lucky to have such a wonderful person in my life. I love you."
Alannah kissed her. "And I you, lass."
Arianna smiled in relief. She was still devastated at the thought of being apart from her love and husband, but with Alannah's support she knew she would make it.