blue skies #6: "Wildfire" (Doctor Who, Nine/Rose, PG-13)

Aug 15, 2011 06:21

Title: Wildfire
Author: fannishliss 
Prompt: Blue Skies prompt #6: wildfire
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters & Pairings: Nine/Rose
Rating & Warnings: PG-13 overall
Word Count: 100
Summary: part five of a romance in drabbles: a discovery at a botanical garden brings the Doctor to an emotional tipping point.



This planet’s sun sets crimson and gold.  It’s not Gallifrey, never again, but the light is like wildfire, catching the fuse that runs along the horizon, burning the clouds magenta and deepening the shadows into charred scars.

He should flee the devastation promised by this fiery girl, run before her searing heat drives him over the brink.

Instead, he sits up. His secret song echoes in the trees, in her mind and throat.   He offers her the softest touch of his lips.  One spark, if it catches, the whole world will burst into flame, and willingly he will be consumed.


Tune in tomorrow for Shelter.
Road Trip ~ Meadow ~ Sweat ~ Scent ~ Wildfire ~ Shelter ~ Sultry ~ Storm ~ Ennui ~ Freedom

blue skies: prompt 6, fandom: doctor who, author: fannishness

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