Blue Skies Prompt 30(AiW)

Aug 13, 2011 17:35

Title: Why, it's Scandalous!

Author: Ranguvar42

Prompt: Blue Skies Prompt 30: Ennui (extreme disinterest, boredom)

Fandom: Alice in Wonderland 2010

Character: Mirana of Marmoreal

Genre: Humor

Ratings/Warnings: Low T for a half-dressed Queen

Word Count: 306

Summary: Even the prim and proper White Queen has bouts of boredom. This is one of them.

Mirana groaned as she scanned over the gigantic pile of Laws, Decrees, and Declarations that she would have to approve or reject before the end of the year. Every day, they seemed to get longer and larger and more inane. Why, just last week Lady Windermere had petitioned for there to be a Law that all Court Ladies must wear corsets. Knowing how well that would go over with certain members of the Court, Mirana had quietly rejected that decree.

She huffed a strand of hair out of her face, wishing that the study was a bit cooler during the day. Already she had courted scandal by stripping down to her chemise and a single skirt. But worse than the sweltering heat was the stifling ennui. She was sure that she had fallen asleep numerous times from the sheer amount of hyperbole in the petitions and laws.

Mirana groaned aloud. "I do not want to look at another piece of paper for the rest of the day! I need to get out of here before I go truly mad from boredom!"

She swept the piles of paper to the floor and dashed out of the study, laughing to herself at the scandalized looks of the Ladies of the Court. Normally, she would have tried to make herself presentable before dashing off, but today she was just too bored and hot to care one whit.

She ran to one of the many ponds in Marmoreal, ready to be relieved from both the heat and the boredom.

blue skies: prompt 30, fandom: alice in wonderland, author: ranguvar42

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