Blue Skies Prompt 25(AiW)

Aug 09, 2011 18:33

Title: Count to Ten
Author: Ranguvar42
Prompt: Blue Skies Prompt 25: If you just hold in your breath
'Til you come back up in full
Hold in your breath
'Til you thought it through
You foolish child
Genius Next Door by Regina Spektor
Fandom: Alice in Wonderland 2010
Characters: Ilosovic/Alannah, Katarina & Michael
Genre: Family
Ratings: K+ for arguing siblings
Word Count: 569
Summary: Michael and Katarina get into a fight, and their parents teach them the practice of counting to ten when you're angry.

Alannah and Ilosovic were out in the garden weeding the purple rose patch when a loud cry of anger came from the cottage, followed by the sounds of a scuffle. Alannah stuck her trowel in the dirt and ran into the cottage, gaping in shock at the sight before her eyes.

Michael and Katarina were rolling around on the floor, hitting and scratching each other as they cried in anger and pain. Michael scratched Katarina's face, and she yowled in pain and anger and bit his ear. Alannah was about to speak when her husband's voice boomed through the cottage.


The children froze in place, looking up at their very angry parents. They broke apart, and began to speak at once, overlapping each other.

"But Daddy…it's his fault! He kept poking me!"

"I did not!"

Katarina turned and stamped her foot, glaring at her brother. "You did too, Michael, you big liar!"

"I am not a liar, you meanie! You hit me first!"

"Did not!"

"Did so!"

"I didn't, you dummy!"

Katarina howled in rage and tried to launch herself at Michael, and Ilosovic grabbed her dress and yanked her back. "You stand still, young lady!"

Alannah glared at them, her eyes red, and then spoke in a voice of suppressed rage, her brogue showing through. "Now, if tha two of ye are done behavin' like feral children, per'aps one of ye would care tah tell me what the kerfuffle is all about?" They started to speak, and Alannah held her hand up. "One at a time!"

Katarina sniffled, wiping her nose on her dress sleeve. "Well…I was sitting on the couch and Michael kept poking me. I told him to leave me alone, and he didn't!"

Alannah looked at her son. "Is that true, Michael?" Michael nodded, his head down, and she sighed. "Alright. Katarina, regardless of whether he bothered you or not, you shouldn't have hit him. He's smaller than you. And Michael, don't bother your sister if she asks you to leave her alone."

Ilosovic sat on the couch, beckoning for them to sit next to him, and they clambered up. "The next time you get mad, take a great big deep breath and count to ten very slowly first. That might help your temper go down a bit. If you have to, count to a hundred."

Alannah smiled. "Listen to your father. I'll go get something for your ear,Michael." She went into the kitchen, emerging with a small jar filled with a white paste. She sat next to Michael, applying a small dab of the salve to his ear, and then applied a dab to Katarina's scratch.

Katarina climbed into her lap, looking over at Michael. "I'm sorry." He smiled back at her.

"Me too."

Ilosovic grinned. "Well, peace is restored. Will you two remember what I told you?"

"Yes, Daddy."

Alannah and Ilosovic grinned in relief at each other.

blue skies: prompt 25, fandom: alice in wonderland, author: ranguvar42

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