Title: Blindfold
Author: thelovelylydia
Prompt: Blue Skies Prompt #24; scent
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Tarrant/Alice; Mirana/OC (Gavin)
Rating/Warning(s): K+ for drug reference. Includes one of my canon’s OCs.
Word Count: 645
Summary: Alice has lost her sight and must rely on her sense of smell
Alice felt the regal armchair come to catch her fall as she was ushered into the seat. She had to be ushered because a large black blindfold covered her eyes. She could see nothing of the world before her. All she could do was rely on her senses.
Her hearing wasn’t very helpful; it was the normal sounds of Tugley Woods. Birds chirped within the branches and she heard the soft flutter of their feathers as they flew from one branch to another.
She hadn’t tasted anything but the heat of the golden summer afternoon. It would be nearly dusk soon and she was awaiting the unveiling of the stars. The only problem being that right now she couldn’t see them.
She felt the rough, worn table cloth beneath the soft pads of her finger tips; a stain or two made the surface uneven.
But what she could smell! What she inhaled as she took a deep breath in.
It began with the sweet scent of the flowers; especially the exotic lunar buds that opened only when dusk was near. Their honey scent wafted through the gently breeze that tickled her cheek. Along with it can the strong, bitter smell of tea only to be softened by the soft scent of sugar. She could smell the cream that Thackery had just announced he had spilled and caught a hint of Tarrant as he brushed by her to mend the mess. He smelled of a combination of tea, mercury, sweets, and perspiration.
She exhaled fully before taking another gulp of the wind and found to her delight when she did so that the scent of heavy icing could be smelled in the heat of the dying day. The smell grew stronger only to be soon joined by a smell of poppies. It was Mirana; Mirana always smelled like opium to her. A dangerous but sweet escape of a friend she was.
“When can I take this off?” She cried.
“It’s nearly time,” A deep voice that belonged to Gavin joined the ranks. She tried to see if she could smell him and was delighted to find that when she concentrated she could. The scent of soap, woods, and a tinge of cinnamon marked his body.
“Are you ready, Alice?” She heard Tarrant’s soft lips.
“I feel as if I am missing something!” She cried. She felt the tug of the handkerchief against the back of her head as it was being loosened but a cry from Mirana stopped it from falling from her eyes.
A whoosh was followed by a flick and the unmistakable scent of heated wax filled the air. She could feel warmth dancing upon her cheeks.
“Alright,” Mirana commanded. The blindfold dropped and she was given sight. Before her lay a beautiful cake; it was covered in thick white frosting and delicately piped powder blue roses and ribbons decorated its pale designs. Upon one of the tiers (for it had exactly four) was inscribed:
Happy Alice Day.
Alice gasped in delight and felt Tarrant’s arms wrap around her shoulders as he roughly kissed her cheek.
“We want to remember the day you returned to us, Champion Alice,” Gavin spoke up. “Four years ago. Alice Day is now an official holiday.”
Alice blushed at the compliment and felt much too ordinary to accept this. But she knew the royals would not allow her to decline.
“Thank you so much,” She stood to hug Gavin and place a cheek up the Queen’s face.
“The cake looks wonderful; I say it is time we eat.” Mirana gestured with her delicate hand toward the table.
“It smells even better.” Alice smiled as she watched Thackery come close with a knife (which brought a slight sense of worry in her gut) to cut the cake.
Alice’s nose did her well; the cake was far too heavenly to describe.