Blue Skies Prompt #23: The Waste Land (ASOIAF)

Aug 06, 2011 14:04

Title: The Waste Land
Author: mrstater
Prompt: #23, image of cracked ground
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
Characters & Pairings: Daenerys Targaryen, Jorah Mormont
Rating & Warnings: rated PG-13 for death by water deprivation, breastfeeding dragons (Ew! But hey, it's canon.)
Word Count: 214
Summary: ACOK: In the Red Waste, Dany thirsts for more than water ( Read more... )

blue skies: prompt 23, fandom: a song of ice and fire, author: mrstater

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just_a_dram August 7 2011, 22:32:09 UTC
Oh! Good point: Dany would think the line would end with her, given the prophecy. That's probably another source of angst beyond the personal angle, which I hadn't thought of. So, what's the point? Ah! That's really great stuff.

Oh, but don't worry Dany, I'm sure grrm can cook up a half dozen hidden Targaryens to fill that function after you're gone. ;)

Breastfeeding dragons *is* gross. :P


mrstater August 7 2011, 23:02:31 UTC
Breastfeeding dragons *is* gross. :P

It is, totally! And so ridiculous. Since when do reptiles drink milk? Also, very sharp teeth. I wouldn't want one anywhere near my boobs! This series was so obviously written by a man.

So, what's the point?

Seriously, Jorah needs to tell her to give it up and enjoy all the sex they can have without consequences. (Hm...But is this a reason why she's not a good match for him? No little Mormont cubs to inherit Bear Island?)

I'm sure grrm can cook up a half dozen hidden Targaryens to fill that function after you're gone.

It doesn't seem terribly likely she'll have the throne, does it?

Glad to have introduced a new angle! Thanks for reading, m'dear. :)


just_a_dram August 7 2011, 23:53:19 UTC
Since when do reptiles drink milk? Also, very sharp teeth. I wouldn't want one anywhere near my boobs!

Other people find the whole moment glorious and mention it as their favorite of the books. My reaction was--gross! And yes, ow!

This series was so obviously written by a man.

Hahaha...I can't tell you how many times I've thought that while reading.

Jorah needs to tell her to give it up and enjoy all the sex they can have without consequences.

I like the way you think. I mean, it's sick and wrong, but I already knew that about you.

No little Mormont cubs to inherit Bear Island?)

I've completely forgotten. Who is inheriting Bear Island at this point? Since Jorah is persona non grata.

It doesn't seem terribly likely she'll have the throne, does it?One of the questions for the westeros application asks you to describe how you wanted it all to end. I read a really interesting response recently that said they wanted Dany to die during her attempt to take Westeros. It was a really well-thought out ending in general, and it ( ... )


mrstater August 8 2011, 00:04:06 UTC
I like the way you think. I mean, it's sick and wrong, but I already knew that about you.

Why, thank you. This is the whole premise behind my AU. ;)

Who is inheriting Bear Island at this point? Since Jorah is persona non grata.

Maege. And it was supposed to go to Dacey next, but she dies, doesn't she? I think Maege mentioned a granddaughter she wanted Robb to marry, so maybe she's up next? Maybe all the Ladies Mormont are going to die and Jorah will get Bear Island again, after all...

At this point, I think it would be a bit trite if she *did* take the throne.

I'd actually like to see Dany get a little humility and bow out of the contest, and find the home she's never really had. And you know where I hope that is, lol.


just_a_dram August 8 2011, 00:15:15 UTC
And it was supposed to go to Dacey next, but she dies, doesn't she?

Poor dear. Yeeeah.

I'd actually like to see Dany get a little humility and bow out of the contest, and find the home she's never really had. And you know where I hope that is, lol.

Yes. This. I think probably all Targs need a little dose of humility to keep them sane anyway. I don't know why she thinks she'll be instantly at home ruling a people who couldn't care less about her.


mrstater August 8 2011, 00:22:58 UTC
I don't know why she thinks she'll be instantly at home ruling a people who couldn't care less about her.

Why, because she was raised by Viserys... I think that's why I cut her slack...she's young and geesh. But grow up!!


just_a_dram August 8 2011, 00:31:17 UTC
Why, because she was raised by Viserys...

You're right.

The AU I would be interested in is if she had married Viserys instead of Drogo. I think they'd actually be making progress towards attacking Westeros (instead of uselessly hanging out in Mereen)...that was his driving aim, after all. Even if it would have ended epically badly given his temperament.


mrstater August 8 2011, 00:39:57 UTC
That's the thing that gets me about the whole Dothraki storyline...It doesn't really seem to have had much point at all, does it? (Or does it, in later books?)


just_a_dram August 8 2011, 00:47:45 UTC
No, it really doesn't.


mrstater August 8 2011, 00:08:12 UTC
Also? This. Is so random and hilarious. I've been cracking up every time I look at Tumblr today.


just_a_dram August 8 2011, 00:13:05 UTC
I just laughed so hard my husband yelled from the other side of the house: Are you okay?


mrstater August 8 2011, 00:14:52 UTC
I knew you would, LOL. I've been trying to hold it in and laugh silently because I just don't even want to try to explain; it's wise not to be drinking anything when looking at that, yes?


just_a_dram August 8 2011, 00:27:49 UTC
Hahaha...I can't stop laughing just thinking about it. That ugly CGI dragon creeping in the corner there. I have no words.


mrstater August 8 2011, 00:33:10 UTC
And Jorah in an Oxford shirt with his arm so awkwardly around that kid...*dies*



just_a_dram August 8 2011, 00:38:01 UTC
It's like a Sears portrait.


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