Blue Skies Prompt #21: Change in Routine (Alice in Wonderland Fandom)

Aug 05, 2011 00:23

Title: Change in Routine

Author: thelovelylydia

Prompt: Blue Skies #21; storm

Fandom: Alice in Wonderland 2010

Character(s)/Pairing(s): Alice/Tarrant

Rating/Warning(s): K

Word Count: 698

Summary: Rain can slow life down.

The lightening split the gray sky as the rain pounded against the dirt path that led from the house. Alice sighed as she was stuck inside another day; horrible summer storms passing their way through the Tugley Woods. The droplets lashed the windows harshly blurring the line between trees and earth in the glass. It was one giant kaleidoscope.

Tarrant had gone out into the maddening storm earlier this morning with deliveries to make and she had tried to insist that he stay back; not worry about the people who were probably snuggling against the fire anyways. But he had ignored her sound advice reminding her how he could be just as stubborn as she. So she had resided herself to baking a cake because she was bored and because she was angry. Was there more need for a decision?

However, the cake now sat neglected on the counter, iced and waiting for someone to eat it. But she couldn’t bear the thought of eating it alone; no matter how angry she was at her husband’s firm foot she loved him all the same. So she resided to waiting and hemming the dress of her own creation. Her legs were crossed underneath her airy tulle gown and she had pulled her hair up into a high bun upon her scalp. Her foot bouncing as it kept time to the ticking of the mantel clock.

She didn’t move until she heard the sound of horses whinnying and snorting but even then she only made motion to remove the work from her lap. He would need to put them in their proper places before he came in from the thrashing storm in order to receive shelter. She held her breath in waiting until she heard him bursting through the door. She greeted him in the foyer with quick hands; loosening his cravat, ripping away his outer coat. He was soaked to the bone and she made swift use of her nimble hands as she worked free his vest and stripped it from him. He began to unbutton his shirt; shivering from the cold rain drops. She ran to the washroom and grabbed his green dressing gown. Returning she gave it to him as he wrapped his naked, wet body in the soft fabric. He sighed in relief and she gathered his wet clothing in her arms, bringing them to the sitting room where she leaned them over the fire screen where they could be dried by the exuding heat.

Tarrant had followed wordless, obviously tired and worn out from the lashing rainstorm he had come through. She, just as quiet, led him to the couch and had him sit. He collapsed and she grabbed his hat before he fell all the way back, placing it on the mantel. He smiled up at her gratefully. Leaning over she pressed a kiss to his forehead.

“You know what my mother always did during rainstorms?” He whispered. She looked at him inquisitively. “She read us stories to bide the time.”

She let her lips curl in a smile and then proceeded from the room. Quickly she prepared a piece of cake for him and went to her room to fetch a book of adventure. She grabbed the plate from the kitchen table before making her way back to the living room.

“I have a surprise for you,” She smiled and revealed the cake. He looked at it lustfully and drew his knees up before him on the couch. He sat upright before taking his cake. She then took the book in her hands as she sat on the cushion next to him. Opening the first page she began.

“Captain Jack Sparrow wasn’t an ordinary pirate; he held a great secret.”

She glanced to see Tarrant pause in his dessert in order to lean forward to listen more intently. She loved this moment. She loved the rain.

It always caused things to slow down and change routine in her life. A warm fire, an exciting tale, and a piece of cake were a treat after months of working, waiting, and wishing.

It was causing her to really slow down and smell the gossiping flowers.

blue skies: prompt 21, fandom: alice in wonderland, author: thelovelylydia

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