Prompt #21 : Storms | Children of the storm (Doctor Who)

Aug 04, 2011 20:03

 Title: Children of the storm
Author: the_silverdoe 
Prompt: #21: Storm.
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: River Song, the Doctor, mentions of Doctor/River and Rory Williams
Genre: Minor angst, mentions of Romance
Ratings/Warnings: G, spoilers for Doctor Who 6x07 "A good man goes to war"
Word Count: 213
Summary: River loved storms. Mostly because they reminded her of some people.

A/N: I got carried away with this prompt, and the original word count is over 900 words. This is only the beginning, as it stands on its own as a drabble. If you are interested in reading the whole fic, I shall post it at my journal soon.

River loved storms. Anything that drove her closer to danger made her feel more excited than ever. The sound of thunder got her jumping around like a little girl, incapable of sitting still. She wanted to run outside and feel the rain, the heavy drops on her skin. That’s because River needed to feel alive. She didn’t run away from the danger, she ran towards it. Maybe because that’s all she ever knew, and, in a way, danger made her feel safe. As strange as it seemed, danger was her inner idea of normal. Maybe it was just because she liked it.

Storms reminded River of her father and of the few moments she’d had with him, when she was still Melody Pond. Rory Williams was a good man; a brave man. He didn’t mind her going out in the storm, he understood her; he always had. River knew who her father was and what he had done for her mother; he was the Last Centurion. He had lived in the storm. She felt that storms bonded them, as they were a bond between her and the Doctor. Her father had lived in the storm; the Doctor was the storm. They were the two most important men in her life. River loved storms.

blue skies: prompt 21, fandom: doctor who, author: the_silverdoe

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