Blue Skies Prompt #20: Always Missing You

Aug 03, 2011 13:07

Title: It Was Always Missing You

Author: thelovelylydia

Prompt: Blue Skies #20; picture of a boy before a boat sailing on a sea at sunset

Fandom:  Alice in Wonderland 2010

Character(s)/Pairing(s): Alice/Tarrant

Rating/Warning(s): K

Word Count: 348

Summary: Watching the setting sun.

Alice sat on one of the piers of the Crimson Sea. Her knees were drawn up to her chest and she hugged her calves tightly as she rested her chin upon her bent legs. She felt the closeness of a hand behind her as Tarrant sat to her right; his legs hung over the edge of the wooden dock, his bare toes tickling the waves of the aquamarine ocean. He was leaning back and relaxing as he watched the sunset with her; the reds and oranges mixing with the azure sky. She glanced over to him with a warm grin as she watched the fading rays of light cross his pale face; mixing with the shades that marked his eyes and cheek bones. He noticed her watching out of the corner of his eye and joined her in her warm smiles.

“What do you think?” He gestured out toward the sea.

“It’s breathtaking.” She continued to look at him.

“What of your sunsets over the oceans? Surely you’ve seen many of them crossing the sea to that foreign place-“ He trailed off trying to recall the name. She could hear him struggling under his breath.

“China,” She smiled. “Yes the sunsets were nice. But they were always missing something,” She unfurled her legs and sidled closer to him, letting her calves fall over the edge of the boat and dance above the undulating surface of the Crimson Sea.

“Missing something?” His thick eyebrows crossed as he bent his head to look at her. She watched as a boat came into toward the shore and let out a sigh. She leaned the back of her blonde curled head against the powder blue shirt he wore, resting her body against his. He sat up, resting his chin on the crown of her curls, wrapping an arm around her waist. She took hold of his hand that rest on the curve of her hip. Smiling out to the sea she whispered.

“It was always missing someone to watch it with.” She felt him grip her hand. “It was always missing you.”

fandom: alice in wonderland, author: thelovelylydia, blue skies: prompt 20

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