Prompt 14 - Man with Lawnmower

Jul 31, 2011 18:47

Title: No Presents
Author: lilachigh
Prompt: No. 14 Man with lawnmower
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Mr and Mrs Weasley, George
Rating: PG
Word Count: 372
Summary: Mr Weasley knows he should have protected his son

No Presents

They seemed to spend a lot of time asking each other if they were all right. Ridiculous really, Molly Weasley thought wearily. How could either of them ever be “all right” again? Fred was dead and their family was missing a huge part of itself. But - they would go on, they had to survive otherwise his death would have been in vain.

She stared across the room at her husband who was gazing into space, the thoughts that ravaged him plainly written on his face. He didn’t seem to be coping with the tragedy; it was as if he blamed himself for Fred’s death. That as his father he should have been able to protect him. That he had failed him in the worst possible way.

“Everyone is coming for dinner tomorrow, dear,” she said softly. “It’s your birthday, but no party, of course. Just family.”

“What? Oh, yes. That will be nice.” He seemed to struggle to relate to her remarks. She’d noticed this more and more. It was as if he was drifting away from them; like a boat, rudderless, being pulled out to sea from shore, with nothing to anchor him.

“Wedding plans to make. Something to look forward to. I know they’re all very young, but after all, what is there to wait for?”

“What? Oh yes. That will be nice.”

George - thinner, a band of white cutting through his red hair - arrived first - accompanied by a large crate.

“We said no presents!” his mother hissed at him.

“This one is special. Dad - Fred bought this for you before - well - before.”

A flick of his wand and the crate fell apart. Mr Weasley stared at the machine inside. Obviously Muggle. A contraption of blades and wheels, handles and oil, nuts and bolts. What on earth did it - ?

“Fred bought it for me?” he whispered, the first tremors of interest curling through him.

“Yes.” George crossed his fingers behind his back, an interesting Muggle action apparently when you told a lie. “He said they use it to cut grass, but I can’t see how.”

And with his mother at his side, he watched as his father reached out an inquisitive hand to find out and the drifting boat turned back to shore.

fandom: harry potter, author: lilachigh, blue skies: prompt 14

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