"Alice" - Prompts 5 & 10

Jul 29, 2011 22:02

Title: In Memoriam
Author: n_e_star
Prompt: #10 Sonnet XVIII by William Shakespeare
Fandom: “Alice” (tv mini)
Characters & Pairings: Duchess
Rating & Warnings: G
Word Count: 100

Hope has only flashes of memory about her mother: the gold of the wrap she wore to fancy dinners; her smile - white teeth framed by red lips; the sent of peppermint at her neck when she snuggled Hope close.

But the most vivid memory that she attached to her mother wasn't made until after her mother died.

Every year she would go with her father to the cemetery and while she placed red and yellow flowers against the headstone he father would recite.

And Summer’s lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,

Title: Summer Lovin' (1/?)
Author: n_e_star
Prompt: #5 Sand Castle
Fandom: “Alice” (tv mini)
Characters & Pairings: Duchess, Duchess/Jack
Rating & Warnings: G
Word Count: 125

It was a magnificent sight - the ocean. The rough splash of waves, the cry of gulls, the tang of salt in the air. Nothing in her life had prepared her for this and she quickly turned around to share her excitement with her father.

But her father wasn't here. No, he was dead and she was living under the protection of the Queen. She sank to her knees and grabbed a fist full of sand; anything to focus on and stop the tears from coming.

“Are you going to build a sandcastle?”

She looked up to see Jack, “What's that?”

Jack chuckle and settled himself next to her, “Here,” he scooped sand into a large pile, “Let me help you.”

fandom: alice in wonderland, author: n_e_star, blue skies: prompt 10, blue skies: prompt 5

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