Prompt 10 Shakespeare sonnet

Jul 29, 2011 08:15

Title: A Promise to a Lady
Author: lilachigh
Prompt: No 10. Shakespeare sonnet
Fandom: Buffy
Characters: Spike, Angel
Rating: PG but warning of character deaths
Word Count: 360
Summary: Many years into the future, two vampires meet....

A Promise to a Lady

Angel was late arriving at the graveyard - deliberately. He hadn’t known the woman that well - only met her a couple of times through the long years and although she’d been polite, she’d obviously had no real idea who he was or how he fitted into the pattern of her past.

He stood quietly, gazing down at the vampire kneeling in the dark by the fake grass covering the recently turned soil. The platinum hair was a softer shade these days; he’d have even said there were touches of grey appearing on his temples, although that was unlikely.

“She was the last one,” Spike said without looking up. He’d scented Angel’s arrival, had guessed he would appear at the end of the proceedings.

“There’s the son - he’ll have a family.”

Spike shook his head and got to up, easing his shoulders under what Angel guessed must be the thirtieth or fortieth duster he’d owned.

“He’s thirty now; he doesn’t like me and I think he’d move to the far ends of the earth to keep me away from any children he might have, especially girls.”

Angel placed a hand gently on his shoulder. “That wouldn’t stop you trying. You promised Buffy you’d look after her family. You can’t say you didn’t do your duty by the Slayer.”

Spike flinched and turned a face still ravaged by sorrow towards him. “It wasn’t a duty! I loved her, cared for her, for Dawn, for Dawn’s children and theirs. They aged and died but me - you - we’re still here! A bit older but if Buffy came back, she’d hardly notice the difference. Doesn’t seem right somehow.”

“So what now?”

Spike sighed and squared his shoulders as if picking up a heavy burden once more. The temptation to sit here till sunrise was so strong, but that wasn’t an option, not really. Liam was right; there could well be a child to continue the line and if there was, then it was up to him to protect it for all of its days, generation after generation. There was no turning back; he always kept a promise to a lady.

fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, author: lilachigh, blue skies: prompt 10

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