Blue Skies Prompt 13

Jul 28, 2011 13:03

Title: Worlds Crumble

Author: Ranguvar42

Prompt: Blue Skies Prompt 13:

One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand.

Viva La Vida, Coldplay

Fandom: Alice in Wonderland 2010

Characters: Mirana/Iracebeth

Genre: Family/Angst

Ratings: K+ for slight angst

Word Count: 372

Summary: On the eve of her Exile to Marmoreal, Mirana reflects on the moment when it all went wrong.

 She should have seen the signs, heeded the omens, but she had been young and foolish enough to believe that there was still some good left in the stranger her sister was becoming. Iracebeth had always been the hotheaded one, ordering servants to the dungeons for the slightest offense, real or imagined. However, Mirana was usually able to talk some reason into her, and the servants would be set free in a matter of days.

But gradually, as the growth in Racie’s head grew bigger, so too did her lust for power, her blood thirsty nature, and her paranoia. She no longer heeded anything her younger sister said, and would go off into screaming fits of rage over the smallest of things. Mirana had still harbored some hope that the mischievous, fun loving big sister she had played with as a girl was still hidden inside.

Then came the Horrendevush Day, and Mirana was forced to confront the painful and brutal truth-her sister was gone, and there would be no bringing her back. The woman that summoned her to the Throne Room the next day was a stranger, and Mirana felt nothing but a great weariness as she stared at her, resplendent in royal robes and a tiny crown perched on her head.

“Miwana, I have come to a decision. Underland does not need two Queens. Therefore, I am exiling you to the castle of Marmoreal. You are not to leave its walls while I Wule or you will be executed. I will give you until tomorrow to vacate these pwemises.”

Mirana sighed. “Very well, Racie. I truly regret what has happened between us. But you will always be my sister. Fairfarren.”

She turned and walked away from her home, feeling her world crumble around her.

blue skies: prompt 13, fandom: alice in wonderland, author: ranguvar42

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