Blue Skies Prompt #12: Heating Up (Downton Abbey)

Jul 26, 2011 19:18

Title: Heating Up
Author: mrstater
Prompt: #12, sultry
Fandom: Downton Abbey
Characters & Pairings: Tom Branson/Sybil Crawley
Rating & Warnings: rated PG for mild innuendo
Word Count: 350
Summary: It's a hot day, but for Branson, it has little to do with the weather.

Heating Up )

author: mrstater, fandom: downton abbey, blue skies: prompt 12

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Comments 13

yuenmei July 27 2011, 00:51:32 UTC
You are the Queen of DA. You're a great writer all the time, but I feel like your writing just takes on this special awesome character when you're writing period stuff, especially DA. Your use of language is awesome as usual... I know I've waxed poetic about this before.

I'm not sure I can find it in me to find upper lip sweat attractive, but I buy that Branson does. I love that he rethinks his earlier non-desire to go for a drive :). You always get him just right. Final line is perfect.


mrstater July 27 2011, 01:07:05 UTC
Aw, thank you, honey! You're so sweet; I do feel quite comfortable writing period pieces for some reason, which is probably an indicator that I should go back to that in my original writing. I really appreciate your encouragement about that.

I'm not sure I can find it in me to find upper lip sweat attractive, but I buy that Branson does.

Well, you know...we're just past the Victorian period and not quite to the Roaring Twenties, so it's the little things that are the turn-ons. Like anything that draws attention to the lips, hehe. ;) I see him as a very detail-minded kind of guy...

Thanks for reading and leaving such an awesome comment!


just_a_dram July 27 2011, 02:41:55 UTC
Great googly moogly! This is incredibly...sultry. :D

Rolled shirtsleeves. Mmm...

his neck prickles with a heat that makes him feel like one of the equatorial heathen wearing Lord Grantham's old collars bestowed on them by missionaries


the rear-view mirror affords him a glimpse of Lady Sybil dabbing at the expanse of slightly pink, glistening skin above the neckline of her frock

Lord-e, that's hot. As in, smexy, as well as toasty. Because, that sheen *is* kinda attractive. Especially if young ladies are generally powdered and somewhat constrained. It's like a visual expression of the body's revolt against constraint.

over Lady Sybil's pertness and perfume mingled with the faintest tinge of perspiration?

An easy choice. And I like that too, because when you like someone, that mildly sweaty, perfumed smell is kind hot too.

I heartily applaud your use of this prompt!


mrstater July 27 2011, 12:58:42 UTC
This is incredibly...sultry.

Hee! You know, I actually had the word in here at one point, then I decided to take it out and see if it still stood without being spelled out. Veeery glad you think this fits the sultry prompt. :D I couldn't decide which definition of the word to use, so I went with both!

That little exchange between Branson and Bates about Sir Robert's collars cracks me up every time. Somehow it takes the piss out of the aristocracy/Edwardian society and fashion in one fell swoop, and that's so very Branson to me.

when you like someone, that mildly sweaty, perfumed smell is kind hot too.

Indeed! At any rate, I'm just relieved you weren't grossed out and thinking, "Put on some deodorant, Lady Sybil!"

Thanks for your lovely review, dearie!


shimotsuki July 28 2011, 23:33:52 UTC
Mmm, sultry indeed! As someone who despises hot weather, I was really sympathizing with Branson -- which makes it that much more fun when he decides he really doesn't mind. ;)

[And if this comment does go through, it will be the first one in four days. I can see but not be heard! Fingers crossed.]


mrstater July 29 2011, 12:54:57 UTC
While I do not at all share Branson's thoughts about sweat being erotic, it was therapeutic to write this on the 23rd straight day of triple digit temps! So pleased you enjoyed. Thanks for reviewing even though the gremlins were doing their best to prevent it!


glorious_clio July 29 2011, 22:04:45 UTC
Bow chika wow wow! That might be dangerous! Just kidding. Loved the story, and I feel Branson's pain.


mrstater July 30 2011, 03:33:50 UTC
Haha! Very glad you liked, thanks for reading and commenting!


otahyoni July 30 2011, 14:14:31 UTC
Cuuuuuuute! If they don't make out in series two, I might pull out all my hair in frustration.


mrstater July 31 2011, 22:14:59 UTC
This! So glad you like! I do heart them...


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