Blue Skies Prompt #3 (Harry Potter fandom)

Jul 24, 2011 21:23

Title: Together
Author: danger_skies 
Prompt: Blue Skies Prompt #3 - shelter
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry Potter/unnamed male (intended to be Draco Malfoy)
Rating & Warnings: K
Word Count: 165
Summary: Harry is rescued from his thoughts.

As I gaze out to sea, my eyes drift over the waves crashing on the black rocks below. I study their violent movements and I can’t help but remember the dark place I’d been in after the War: friends had died, and although I’d ‘won’ and become the Saviour everyone always hoped - assumed - I’d be, I’d also lost my purpose. My childhood had been miserable and since the age of eleven, although things looked as though they would improve, my only identity had been in relation to that of my long-dead parents or the evil madman who was attempting to take over the world. The wind gusts around me, causing me to shiver, and warm arms wrap around my waist bringing my consciousness back to the present. A kiss is placed against my neck and it tells me everything I need reminding of. I am safe. I am loved. I am free. I take his hand, and we walk slowly back to our home. Together.

fandom: harry potter, author: danger_skies, blue skies: prompt 3

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