Blues Skies, Prompt #10: Tarnished Gold (ASOIAF)

Jul 24, 2011 12:21


He isn’t what he once was.  He’s half a man now.  Crippled.  His golden luster tarnished, which means he was never really gold at all.

“Dear sister, we must speak of Tommen.”

She glances at his golden hand and grimaces.  She won’t touch it.  He was not born holding onto her ankle with that hand.

“Do you mean to lecture me, Jaime?”

“I mean to offer you some good advice.  You haven’t had a great deal of that, since you surround yourself with fools.”

Like you, dear brother?  “Tommen is a good boy.  He will make a good king.”

Jaime was the golden boy, who became the Kingslayer.  Now he is nothing.  He’s quite nearly useless.  To her or anyone else.  She is the only true lion in the pride.  The rest of them are as much lions as Tommen’s mewling kittens.  Jaime is nothing like their father; he would make a pitiful king.

“You mean you will make a good king.”

The finest.  She will certainly make a finer king than her drunkard husband.  Yes, she will be resplendent.  Unlike the other little queen, who must be dealt with promptly, but she cannot even count on her twin to do that much anymore.

His hand is hard, but he has gone soft.  Pity.

fandom: a song of ice and fire, blue skies: prompt 10, author: just_a_dram

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